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Rune Designs

Art & Design
Undead Files
02/08/01 - Day 3. Hoping to upload a program today, possibly some roms. Page template is completed, so the pages should go together faster.
02/07/01 - Day two. Starting to get things together. Have a few new graphics made for the art section. Should have some pages up on the other sections some time today, but don't expect much. I added some text links to the bottom, as well as contact address.
02/06/01 - First day up. The site will progressively improve. Expect to see artwork, roms, programs and miscellaneous files in the near future. This main page will contain news and updates, future prospects, as well as anything else I see fit. The art and design will contain digtal artwork and methods to the design. The retro-gaming section will include history of gaming, consoles and emulation. The programs section has just that, programs I have created in Visual Basic (sorry mac users, these only work on PCs.) The undead section contains leftover files, abandoned projects and anything else that just doesn't fit. Of course, visit my links page to find sources and other interesting sites.

Main - Art & Design - Retro-Gaming - Programs - Undead Files - Links

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