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Dice Event Boredom Cure

Any form of boredom can be easily cured by rolling a six sided dice twice and using this list to find out what to do next.
Roll once to determine the list to look at, and a second time to decide what event to engage in on that list. In this way, boredom can be cured!

List 1
1 - Swallow a bucket full of thorns.
2 - Bite your lower lip completely off.
3 - Paint gory scenes on the houses of rich people.
4 - Punch the person nearest to you.
5 - Gain 78 pounds of fat.
6 - Drink a gallon of hot sauce.

List 2
1 - Get romantically involved with graph paper.
2 - Get hopelessly stuck in an intricate system of nets.
3 - Take a shower with a loaf of bread. Eat it.
4 - Cover body in toothpaste. Run screaming into a wall.
5 - Eat a map.
6 - Adopt five newborn kittens.

List 3
1 - Invent a new metal that tastes like strawberries.
2 - Saw a hole in your skull, insert a lime into your brain.
3 - Start and then lose a war.
4 - Spend all of your savings on odd shaped whistles.
5 - Become a successful businessman.
6 - Get a tattoo of an intestine on your face.

List 4
1 - Declare yourself "Lord of all things slippery" to at least twenty people.
2 - Set thirty gourds in a row on the ground. Kick them until you pass out.
3 - Sit on your porch and laugh maniacally for eight hours.
4 - Carve fifty reasons why your life is unbearable into the nearest large tree.
5 - Sit on a melon until you decide that it is a stupid thing to be doing.
6 - Roll again. This time with a smirk on your face.

List 5
1 - File a lawsuit against your teeth.
2 - Label farm animals for four hours.
3 - Team up with a toaster and a mime and fight crime.
4 - Hit yourself in the head with metal tools.
5 - Glue yourself to the wall.
6 - Sell all of your furniture and replace it with eerie green pods.

List 6
1 - Teach your dog to ignore you.
2 - Write a book about ramps.
3 - Start collecting traumatic events.
4 - Become a monk or a nun.
5 - Build a large nest in your living room.
6 - Have an affair with a rusty jeep.