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...A Page From Her Diary...

.....I was looking through my book of pictures today. You know, it's amazing how many different adornments my left ring finger has held. Too many, probably. But I spent so much of my life searching for that certain Huge Boom, that I forgot to notice all the Little Clicks. The times that I should have been worshipping, instead of lamenting to the Goddess that my latest Broken Heart had done me wrong. Again. I realize now, that there was no real true love with any of them. True love can withstand all. It's really not jealous or worried about a few extra hours at the office once in a while, because it has no reason to be. I suppose I never learned that lesson because no one ever taught me. But then again, maybe it's just one of those lessons people have to learn on their own.

If I hadn't had my eyes so clouded with tears, maybe I would have learned it a long time ago. Granted, I've never been cheated on, as it's being screamed that I was this time, but still. That wasn't my fault, so I'm going to stop blaming myself. I didn't do anything to make him not love me. You can't be in love where love doesn't want you to be. I can only hope that he learns what it took me so long to figure out. Maybe this time is it for him, and if it is, I grant that the Gods will bless him with a happy eternity. And when the Gods grant it is my time to find He Who Will Complete My Soul, then I will have that happy eternity too.

Then again, I have a happy eternity right now. I have an entire circle of assassins..also known as family and friends [::Grin::] to help me through every thing. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to reevaluate myself. I missed out on years of smiles. However, I think I finally have a hold on things now. The fall flowers have bloomed in the garden, I think I'll go for a walk. It's been a while since I've stopped and smelled the roses......

The story is complete. It is time to return.