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When I was a child, I listened to the fairy tales my
mother told me as bedtime stories and wanted to be an
adult so that I could live them.
I believed, as many children do, that fairy tales were
possible. As I got older and saw relationships,
including my own, breaking up... anger, hatred, and pain,
I decided that fairy tales were children's
stories and could never come true.
Little did I know that I would be proven so wrong...

Our world began in passion
and words of romantic intrusions
that never should have been spoken.
Once the words were uttered,
we so entered a desperate and dire
state of unrestricted love.
Mutual respect, kindness, and understanding
that I have never known before
were ours in abundance.
And love, a feeling I thought was dead in me,
returned to aide my shrivled, dying heart
back to life.

- Kryson

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CountryFire did a BEAUTIFUL snowglobe of my daughter, but I took
it down, click on the button above to find out why.
I put up one of her gorgeous dragons instead. :)

CountryFire's CreationsCountryFire does FANTASIC graphics!  Click here to take a look at her snowglobes

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Copyright © 1996-2000 by Kryson.
Graphics brought to you by Kryson.
This page assembled on 3/10/98 by Kryson.
Moved to Angelfire on 11/26/99.
Last revision 2/3/00