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Site Credits

I would like to thank SDP for his undying support, for putting up with the emotional stress that gets thrown his way and the time where we just laughed at each other, wishing we had proper jobs. Most of the thanks goes to the characters for making the KgB series a hugh success by giving up their own time to write/create the series, even during computer studies, where we work so hard. -KgB -


Well, I'd like to thank the academy... oops. I mean, I'd like to thank everyone. That's right, the entire human race (except for the people that I don't want to thank) for it's role in creating me & the hopefully-not-never-ending saga of KgB. All the authors, character inspirers, and any divine intervention that caused this madness. Ta. -SDP-

What the critics say about KgB

Read what other people have to say about the KgB series.