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  1. This site has nothing to do with the Russian Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti (KGB)
  2. The authors can and will not be held responsible for any inconvenience to the real KGB.
  3. The Karl 'the Gigolo' Beattie stories which appear in this site are the creation of SDP. And is subject to his approval before appearing in the 'Folder of Folderness' and on the KGB On-Line Site.
  4. Names and characters are fully fictional and are not in any way related to real life people.... Well some are, but that can't be helped!
  5. The Karl 'the Gigolo' Beattie site is in no way intended to infringe on any copyrights or trademarks, but was made to enhance the popularity of Dragon Ball on the world wide web (WWW) and throughout the entire world. Dragon Ball Z are trademarks of and copyrighted by Akira Toriyama/Bird Studio, Shueisha, TOEI Animation, FUJI TV, and Nippon Columbia. Dragon Ball and its related series have been licensed in North America to FUNimation Productions, Viz Communications, Pioneer Entertainment, Bandai of America, and Saban Entertainment. I DIDN'T create Dragon Ball, nor did I participate in its production. (I wish I Did!)
  6. The content of this site is Original, it has been Made, Scanned, Uploaded, and Modified by ME, With some/a lot of help from my girlfriend of-course.
  7. I DIDN'T in anyway, create the Karl 'the Gigolo' Beattie Series.
  8. The names and characters remain Copyright to SDP© and KgB©.
  9. All care has been made with the downloads in the Members area, I assure you that all downloads have been cleaned of viruses, but as a precaution you can re-scan the files for your own protection once downloaded.
  10. The Links in the E-Mail section were correct at time of producing this site, although the internet is unstable at times, the links maybe appear to be dead, but don't worry I'm sure the author and/or host will place the site up as soon as possible.