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Career Interest

Career Interest


            Deciding what you want for a career is the hardest and most confusing decision to make because you want a job that meets your standards. Throughout school you will always wonder what field or career fits into “your standards” and is “the perfect job.” What is the perfect job and how will you get a clue for what direction your leaning towards? Many questions concerning your future can be difficult for you to answer.  There are guidelines to help you find your niche, just by taking a personality inventory test. There are varieties of personality test to take. The two tests I chose to take were “Personality Test like Myers-Briggs and Keirsey” and “Career Interest Game.”  The results I got from both tests were amazing to see because they both described my personality exactly.

            Personality Test like Myers-Briggs and Keirsey is made up from two columns of statements. I had to read both statements and select which column describes my personality the best.  The test said that I was “Extra Special Friendly Person” that is naturally drawn to people, which makes me a sociable and caring person.   I can relate to the discovery because I like to help people by studying, talking, and comforting them when they need someone to be with.

 I also, viewed the “Career Interest Game.” “The Career Interest Game” showed six different color boxes with descriptions under the different category names. I chose sociable, also known as  "The Helper," because of the results I got from personality test like Myers-Briggs and Keirsey. When I selected “sociable,” a list of characteristic appeared and what type of jobs would be good to consider. The jobs listed nurse, dentist, and retail manager were not the direction I am leaning towards.  The direction I was planning to go towards was in the field of computers.  Knowing that my personal choice of career, the computer field, did not appear into the test makes me wonder if I am wasting my time or if I should have a change of mind.

Taking different survey can help you realize what kind of person you really are. It also can see if you are going in the right direction or need to make some adjustments. This survey was very helpful; I will take the information and consideration it when choosing my final career.


Works Cited

Briggs, Myers. “Personality Test like Myers-Briggs and Keirsey test.” Modified on 13 Oct. 2000



Holland, Dr. John. “Career Interest Game.” Accessed on 18 Oct. 2000



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