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Hello!! My name is Eric Thomas. I teach Biology and Anatomy &Physiology here at Mill Valley High School. I also coach wrestling at Mill Creek and Track here at Mill Valley.

This letter is to bring to your attention several aspects of your child’s education in my class. Please feel free to call or e-mail me to discuss your student's progress. The school’s phone number is 422-4351. My email is

Progress reports come out in the middle of every quarter. They will be emailed. This will be an opportunity for me to communicate your student’s progress. If you do not receive a progress report, please call.

Please read through this syllabus and if possible e-mail me stating you have looked at the web-site. This site was designed to allow parents to check their students homework, test dates, and help their students study. It also was designed as a convenience for students. It is been my observation that parents/guardians want to be involved in their student’s education. It takes communication between parents/guardians and the teacher to make this happen.

Many people have bad memories of biology. I am working hard to dismiss that trend. Everyone loves some aspect of biology. Do you like flowers? Then you like biology!! How about animals? Biology again!! The point is you may be an expert in a particular area of biology and not even realize it. If you are, call me. I would like to use you as a resource!!

I anticipate a great year!! Please bookmark this web-site on your computer for your family’s use.

Biology Syllabus
Mill Valley High School
Teacher, Mr. Thomas

“There are only two choices, two paths to take. One is easy, And that is its only reward!!”

This year we survey biology. What does that mean? It means we will begin with what defines life and work our way to human anatomy at the end of the year. We will talk about everything in between!!! Get excited and get involved.

This is what most students want to see first. Before we discuss grading, lets talk about philosophy, MY philosophy. I believe students have greatness inside them. I give every student an A+ the first day of school. WHY? The student did everything expected of them. If a student wants to keep that A+, they must continue to do everything that is expected of them. Remember, you have greatness in you.

55%-Quizzes and Tests 35%-Homework/Labs
*Except for 2 and 4 quarters. The midterm and final will be 10% of that semester's grade.

There will be a quiz every week. These quizzes may be pencil and paper, they may be oral, or they may be with a partner, but there will be a quiz every week. Pay attention. I review a great deal. This will help you on quizzes. Tests will often be over 1-3 chapters. Quizzes will help students on tests. Students must study to do well. Both quizzes and tests will utilize several testing methods. That is, true and false, multiple choice, fill in the blank, essay, and some project based assessment.

Homework makes up an enormous amount of the student’s grade. Not doing homework will put the student’s grade in jeopardy. Homework is easy. It will tests a student’s work ethic and enables a student to “relearn” material. Students will many times be given time in class to do homework. Occasionally students will take it home.

Labs are another opportunity for students to keep their A+. Labs lean heavily on participation. Students must get involved!!!! Students will often do labs with a partner. Lab “write-ups” also are an integral part of the student’s lab grade. Lab protocol is different for each lab, and will be discussed and will be expected to be followed.

Late work is not accepted without viable excuse. If a student is absent, they have two days for every day missed (see handbook).If a student is absent on a Monday and work is due that day, they are expected to come to my room and turn their work in on Tuesday. If a student keeps work until the next class they will receive no credit.
If a student is absent on a Monday and work is assigned they have two options. They can check the web page for their missing work or come to my room on Tuesday and check with me. If they are here on the following day, it counts as one of their two days to make up the work. They will then be required to turn in the work on Wednesday(the next class period) for full credit. NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE END OF ANY QUARTER. This is unfair to students who hand in work on time.
If a student misses a lab, or wishes not to take part because of the nature of the lab, that student will type a two page report with two sources on whatever the topic of the lab covers. This will also apply to group work.

Cheating will not be tolerated. If one student asks another for an answer and it is given, both receive zeros. No exceptions. If a student cheats in any way, their test will be taken and a zero will be given. Do not cheat for any reason in my class. I trust my students, and do not expect to have to monitor for cheating. Do not blemish this trust.

Nothing Ventured, something lost!

Take a risk this year. If you never have gotten an A, make this the first class. If you have always gotten A’s, make this the year you learn more than any other.

Procedures and Rules
One might ask themselves, “Are not procedures and rules the same thing?” OH, contraire!! A Procedure is different from a rule, in that a procedure is a method of doing a task. In this case, operating in biology class.

Class Procedures
1. The first 10 to 30 minutes of each class, students are to work on bell assignments or class work. There will be no talking during this time.
2. All work is to be handed in the drawers on the right side of the room. All work is handed back in the corresponding box on the left side of the room. The student is responsible for handing in and picking up their work.
3. If you want to speak, raise your hand.
4. Come to class prepared. Bring a book, notebook, and pencil or pen everyday. Bring all class work pertinent for that day.

Rules are different than procedures. They are in place to protect the students learning and safety. Most are common sense and go without saying. An example of this is…no hitting each other for any reason.
1. Treat others better than you wish to be treated. 2. No gum. 3. No food. 4. No book bags.

Remember, some rules are common sense. Why do we have procedures and rules? Again, it is to enhance the student’s education. Imagine playing a game of basketball and the other team is using golf equipment and golf rules. It would not be a fun game of basketball. Rules and Procedures help us to operate smoothly.

Animal Safety
The animals that are in the room are here to invigorate and enhance the student’s education. At the end of most classes, students are able to hold and take care of most animals. Get involved and choose a favorite animal. From time to time animals will be sold at a tremendous discount to students. Here are a few procedures for handling and interacting with animals.

1. Ask before you handle. An animal may be sick, or grumpy.
2. Ask before you give an animal to a friend. You are responsible if you get an animal out and your friend accidentally hurts the animal.
3. Always wash your hands after you handle any animal.
4. Take great care in handling animals. Instructions will be given as each animal has a unique manner of handling.
5. Never feed animals.
6. Report any odd behavior to the teacher.
7. Conquer you fear. Hold a snake!! Fear can be debilitating, overcome it in this class. All the snakes have been handled a tremendous amount and will not harm you. They will grow on you!!!
8. Never touch two animals together. They may be predator/prey in the wild.
9. Have fun. Get an animal, sit down and talk to a friend. Never tease a friend with an animal.
