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General Comments

* Simple cell division. It is how you became you!

* In prokaryotic organsims it is called "binary fission"

* It is considered a method of asexual reproduction in many organisms.

* It is also how skin replaces itself along with many other cells!!

The Phases of Mitosis

A. Interphase- This includes all but...Mitosis & Cytokinesis

B. Mitosis

- Follow the pictures on the link below for a guide as to what happens during mitosis!!1


A. This is the dividing of the cytoplasm and the pinching off of the new cell. The wall that is created is called a "Cleavage line"

B. Each new cell has the same amount of organelles, DNA, & cytoplasm!


General Comments

* Meiosis is always sexual reproduction.

* Meiosis is the reduction of the diploid # of chromosomes to get haploid gametes.

* It follows many of the same phases as mitosis.

Key Terms

A.Independant Assortment B.Genetic Recombination C.Crossing Over D.Spermatids/Spermatogenesis E.Oogenesis/Polar Bodies

Prediction exercise..10 multiple choice,10 true/false, 10 fill in the blank, 10 matching, 3 essays due Tuesday 11/11......Quiz over DNA/RNA,Chromosomes,Mitosis/Meiosis 12/5....Mitosis Lab 12/3.....

TEST 12/13

Good Mitosis/Meiosis Link
Good Mitosis/Meiosis Link