Traditional Titles

We are proud to offer the most complete selection of traditional Martial Arts titles world-wide!
The W.M.A.L. is granting this original titles in all Styles and Systems.
Our members who qualify through outstanding dedication and leadership may be selected from any division.
Please contact as if you like to apply for equivalent Korean, Chinese, Philippine or any other non-Japanese titles.
Traditional Titles

Japanese Titles

Sem-Pai Minimum Rank: 1.Dan
Sen-Sei Minimum Rank: 3.Dan
Kai-Den Minimum Rank: 4.Dan
Ren-Shi Minimum Rank: 5.Dan
Shi-Do-Shi Minimum Rank: 6.Dan
Shi-Han Minimum Rank: 7.Dan
Kyo-Shi Minimum Rank: 8.Dan
Han-Shi Minimum Rank: 9.Dan
Mei-Jin Minimum Rank: 10.Dan
Ta-Shi = Superb Teacher
Shi-So = Chief Instructor
Bu-Shi = Great martial artist / Warlord
So-Ke = Founder
Tai-So = Grandmaster
So-Shi = Grandmaster Instructor
Do-Shu = Master of the Way
So-Sho = Master of the Art
Kai-So = First Inheritor
Sho-Dai = 1st Generation Student
Kai-Cho = President

Some information about the titles


Minimum rank, 4th Dan. Ability to teach practical methods and basic techniques, Proven dedication to Budo through long term teaching experience.


Minimum rank, 6th Dan and Renshi title holder. Outstanding knowledge of the traditions and methods of Budo. Demonstrated excellence of technique and teaching methods.


Minimum rank of 7th Dan and Kyoshi title holder. Advanced knowledge of the traditions and methods of Budo. Demonstrated excellence of technique and teaching methods.


Minimum rank of 8th Dan and Shihan title holder. Individual of outstanding moral and personal character. Proven leadership and exceptional contribution to Budo. Deep understanding of the techniques, history and spirit of the Martial Arts.


Individual that has attained the rank of 10th Dan and Hanshi title holder. Outstanding knowledge of the traditions and methods of Budo. Demonstrated excellence of technique and teaching methods.
