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View awards
Toolman's HTML Workshop!
has won, and
submit your own
award nominations.

Awards presented to
Toolman's HTML Workshop!

Kutypie wrote:
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS are in order!
You have just won Kutypie's Award
cuz I think your site is *excellent*, *phat*, *tight*,
all that and more!

Thank you Kutypie!


James Bowman wrote:
Keep up the good work.
The web site of distinction award is yours.

Thank you James!


Ben Ciolczynski wrote:
I was very impressed by all the
hard work you have put into the site
and have to congratulate you on a wonderful
achievement in web site design,
both in appearance and content.

Thank you Ben!

The Duchess wrote:
- your website has been awarded The Duchess Award
for the creation and maintenance of a user-friendly website
- and, I might add, much, much more!

Thank you Duchess!

Here are the awards that you can try for.

The only rules I have for award nominations are:
1. You must not be a "professional" webpage designer.
2. You must not be a "for proffit" busness.
3. You must have a "family oriented" website,
(ie: no pornography, cussing, or otherwise harmfull content to minors.).
4. You must display the award as a link to Toolman's HTML Workshop!
5. Send an Email with your name, email address,
URL of your web page, and brief discription.
Ok, now send in those webpage nominations!

Thank you and good luck!

The coveted Golden Hammer award.

Golden hammer award.
This one is harder to win,
you have to realy impress me with your homepage!
I have to see a good working knowlage of HTML
and some inspired design ideas in your site.

The Silver Hammer award.

The silver hammer award.
This one is for outstanding websites,
user friendly websites, cool websites,
and webpages with flair and personality.

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Email the Toolman!:
iwantmore at hotmail.com
Toolman Productions ©1997 - 2010