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Terrapin Creek Trolley Profit Potential

If you haven't already brainstormed the profit potential in owning a Terrapin Creek Trolley, read on!

Wedding Parties: Bride and groom leave in carriage--the remainder of the wedding party leaves on a Terrapin Creek Trolley!

Special Events: Charge by the head for rides during special events or make arrangements with the event sponsors to charge by the hour for free transportation for event-goers!

Malls, Casinos, Other places with large parking areas: Make rides availabe from parking area to front door--charge by the head or have the facility sponsor as a service to their customers!

Holiday Lights Tour: Charge by the head for a horse-drawn tour of a well-decorated neighborhood at holiday time--play holiday music through your stereo system!

Historic District Tour: Charge by the head for a tour of historic homes or buildings in the area.

Community Organization Service Projects: Have a community service organization like Lions, Kiwanis, or Rotary Clubs sponsor rides for youth or elderly in your community.

Advertising Potential: Several panels are available for advertising spots on your Terrapin Creek Trolley--charge sponsors to advertise their business or organization and have it painted on your trolley.

Do you have other ideas to include on this page? We'd love to hear from you! E-mail us your ideas!

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