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Why did you the US enter the war after President Wilson pledged to stay nuetral?

There are many reasons why. The sinking of the Lustiania was one. The Zimmerman Note, which said that there should be a German-Mexican alliance if the US entered the was, was another. A big reasion was unrestricted warfare. The germans sank 5 US ships. Also, people in the US had ties to the nations at was.

What are the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?

The Triple Alliance consisted of Austria-Hungary, Italy and Germany. They declared war on the Triple Entente, which was Britain, France and Russia. Japan declared was on Germany. Turkey and Bulgaria sided with Germany after Italy split away. Germnay, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria became the central powers. Britain, France, Russia, Italy and 20 other nations who joined were the allies.

How was the war financed?

There were two major ways that the war was financed; war bonds (liberty bonds), and increasment of taxes.

What did the average citizens, labor, and industry have to sacrafice for the war effort?

Voluntery rationing of food, shift to military production, government took over Railroads, government also told businesses what to do, and workers could join unions, but couldn't strike, employmnet also shot up.

What is mobilization?

Preperation for war.

What role did the US military have in winning the war in Europe?

For over 47 days, millions of Americans has been struggling through the Argonne Forest, which was laced with barbed wire, German trenches, machine-gun nests, and bunkers. The Germans were nearly invisable in the foggy weather. In early November, after a long awaited stuggle, Americans broke through Seden and broke the German communications line. Resulting in the crumbling of the Germans along the western front by allied blows. Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary eached signed an armistice, or agreement to stop warfare untill a peace treaty was signed, after they senced defeat. On November 11, 1918, German leaders senced defeat as well, they signed the armistice and the great war ended.

What were the war's costs in lives, and nations hit hardest?

Half the troops were either killed, wounded or missing. Over 5 million Allied troops and 3 million Central Powers troops died. Many civilians died due to disease, starvation, and other war-related causes. France and Germany suffered the greatest losses: one out of thirty people died a war-related death. 116,000 Americans were killed, and twice that many wounded or missing.

What are pacifists?

Those who oppose the use of force under any circumstances.

What was the Sedition Act?

It was passed in May of 1918. It prohibited any "disloyal, profane, scurrilous or abusive" speech about the government, Constitution, flag or armed forces.

What was trench warfare?

The trenches were about 5 feet deep and 2 feet wide. A network of supply and command trenches were behind them. Barb wire was set up in front of the firing line to trap enemy attackers. Each side used new weapons to try to break through the others line. Beyond the trenches was "no mans land," a flat area wher soldiers were visible to the enemy. A way to get passed the trenches was discovered; chlorine and mustard gas. The gas swept through the trenches often killing the soldiers inside.

What are repartions?

Payment for war damages.

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