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My Photo Album

Philippines vacation pictures

This is one of the coral pictures I took with a underwater camera. A lot of the coral was damaged when their was a oil spill not too long after we arrived.

This is me diving down to one of the corals to get a closer look.

This is a picture of one of the bus-like vehicle called a "Jeepney" we took to get to my grandparents house and back to our apartment.

This is a tricyle, they're these 100cc motorcyles hooked on to a cart to haul people into the nearby towns.

This is the boat we took out to the ocean to go snorkling.

This is my grandparents house. The first floor is cement because right across the street is the ocean. They have a lot of Tsunami's there and instead of bamboo stilts to keep out of the water. We sent enough money to have a cement wall built up.

This is one of the three pigs my grandparents cooked for my birthday in the Philippines.

This is a picture of my Mom and my Aunt LeliBeth in a orchard greenhouse.

This is a Nipa Hut which is a native house made out of bamboo and nipa leaves for the roof. This house is made on a tree.

This is a waterfall in the jungle of the philippines we went to. There's a neat raft made out of wood that takes you under, and through the waterfall.

This is a picture of part of the mountain we went across to get to Cebu City. Cebu City is where When we got to the summit we could see cities, towns, other islands (Luzon, which has the region, pampanga, where I was born.), and the ocean.

Friends Here are some pictures of some of my friends, my other friends haven't given me their picture yet.

Amanda Cassie Me Jessica Lindsey Matt Spenser Stef

Williamsburg Trip Check out my pics of my Williamsburg trip when I get back.