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I wanted to write this letter to thank all the wonderful people of my community and my neighboring communities, for their support in my time of grave need.  It has been a hard, remarkably wonderful year in which I have learned to enjoy life like I had never done before. 
One year ago this week I arose from a comatose state in Prince Alfred Hospital of Sydney Australia because of what I have come to realize was an effort of the highest degree by those who knew of me, loved me, thought of me, cared for me.  They achieved this feat with their prayers, thoughts, wishes, whatever it is that you choose to call it.  I call it their 'miracle of love'. 
After being struck, by a 'proported' under the influence speeding driver at a rate of speed which was guessed at above 50 mph. while I was walking across the intersection cross walk of a city street in Sydney, I was rushed to Prince Alfred Hospital unconscious and in critical condition.   The prognosis by the attending physicians was that I could not survive due to the extensive injuries which I incurred.  The police report at the time stated:
            "Police were informed that the pedestrian had not yet
             regained consciousness and was not expected to live
             during the night.
             Currently under observation in Intensive Care Unit
            Royal Prince Alfred Hospital."      
My mother was contacted and told to come immediatly as I might not survive, and if I did it would be a 'miracle'.  3 weeks later I did not awake from the coma as the doctors removed the medication that assisted me to remain there and it was worried that if or when I did, there could be irrepairable brain damage.  The letters and prayers, wishes, hopes, poured in through it all but especially then.
As I sit here writing this thank you I know the miracle was given to me with the help of those doctors and nurses that attended to me, my family, and my friends.  The later of which I now consider to be more in number than originally realized by me.  For whatever reason you chose to do this unselfish deed which brough me back to be with you all I thank you with a passion that consumes and overwhelms me to this very day.  No doubt, for all eternity. 
        For this, I thank you so very much and love you all!
        Susie Burton

Two roads diverged in a wood... and I, I took the one less travelled...   that has made all the difference   ...Robert Frost