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What's the story behind the Queen of Country Music?

Reba is a wonderful role model and THE model for the modern working mother and working 
woman. She balances it all wonderfully! Why is she such a balanced and together person?
Most of it has to do with her upbringing. Clark and Jackie McEntire brought Reba up
with a fierce work ethic, but she always knows when it's time to have fun too! 

Reba Nell McEntire was born on March 28, 1955 in Chockie, OK. Reba once quipped that
this small town had only 18 people. What a sense of humor! Chockie was a small town and
the McEntire ranch was pretty isolated. Reba and her brothers and sisters worked and
played with each other. They were constantly competing with each other. Whether is was
throwing dirt clods, running barralls, roping, or doing the most chin-ups on the swing-set, they 
were always to best each other. But they loved each other too. 

When Reba was 13 her mother took her and Pake and some of her friends who were in
the Kiowa Cowboy band to local clubs to perform. This was Reba first training on the 
stage. They began to do more shows and eventually they became know as the Singing
McEntirers. They even recorded a record together.

After Reba graduated from high school, her mother encouraged her to attend college.
Reba attended college for 3 and 1/2 years and graduated with a major in Education 
and a minor in Music. Her mother encouraged her to take no less then 18 hours an 
Semester and in 3 and 1/2 years Reba graduated. Reba says she learned so much 
in college. She learned to fry chicken and wash clothes. She learned to become

At age 19 Reba was asked to sing the national anthem at the National Rodeo Finals in
Oklahoma City, OK. Red Stegall was there and heard her sing. Reba's mother asked 
Red if Reba could sing with him. Red was hooked and he knew Reba had mega-star 
quality. He began to work on getting someone else to listen to Reba. He eventually
got a man from Mercury records to listen to her. Reba's mother took Reba to Natshville
to audition and Reba was very nervous. She kept making excuses to stop. Finally Jackie said
to her daughter, "Reba, if you don't want to go through with this it's ok, but let
me tell ya something little girl, If you do this I'll be living my dreams through you." 
That was all Reba needed. Reba went on to Nashville and recorded her first album with
Mercury in 1976. "I don't want to be a one night stand" would become her first single. 
"Can't Even get the Blues" would become her first #1 hit. 

"To be continued"

Stay tuned more to follow!


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