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This is a page I hoped not to have to create, but the fact is, there are some bad apples out there. These are people who don't send what they promise and diddle you out of toys and/or money. Fortunately, the list of such lowlifes is much shorter than the list of Good Traders. At present, there are only three people on it, but that's three too many. Beware of these crooks.


Name: Marilize Dias

Location: "Tiny Little Village", Brazil


Comments: This con artist targets owners of Kinder Surprise Web sites. She sends the same spam letter periodically, stating that she lives in a "tiny little village" in Brazil (seems to be quite technologically advanced - they have the Internet!) with an "adorable little blind girl" named Luiza. She claims Kinder eggs are not available in Brazil, which is simply not true. She goes on to say her dear little blind daughter loves the metal figurines, and that they "help" her. She says she'll pay US$2 for metal figurines. Well, the first time she wrote this to me, I actually offered her some of my metal figurines, but decided (wisely, in hindsight) to wait until I'd received payment before sending them. Well, she never replied to my e-mails, and I never did see any money from her. But at least I didn't waste any metal figurines. A couple of months later, she sent me the exact same sob story, but this time I ignored her, because I had learnt from another reliable source that more trusting people than myself had actually sent metal figurines to this woman, only to never receive their money. I would advise you to have nothing whatsoever to do with Marilize Dias. She's an outright crook who uses the "adorable blind girl" story to swindle people out of metal figurines. Chances are, little Luiza doesn't even exist. And if she does, she's being very cynically exploited by her mother.


Name: Matthias Heinel

Location: Berlin, Germany


eBay User ID: wummop

Comments: This guy actually did send me payment for an eBay auction he was high bidder on. So why is he on this list? Well, he took nearly two months to do it, and failed to respond to all but my first e-mail. I ended up auctioning the goods again and selling them to someone else. Then his payment turned up, but with no apology for the delay. I just refunded him the money and that was that. But he has a shocking eBay record, with negative feedbacks from no less than 19 people for non-payment! He has now been suspended from eBay. To be fair to him, he also has a number of positives where he has paid people. At the end of the day though, dealing with this guy is a bit of a lottery. He either sends payment promptly (which he should do EVERY time), very slowly (as in my case) or not at all. And he frequently fails to communicate. Basically, he's more trouble than he's worth. He's not as bad as Dias or the next guy on the list, but he's a high risk, one best avoided in my view.


Name: Tom Howie

Location: Southport, Merseyside, England


Comments: I made a deal with Howie in mid-June 2000, swapping a K00 wooden animal for a Galacteenie paper or two. Howie said he'd posted the papers, but they never showed up. He ignored all my e-mails inquiring about the missing papers, though he certainly communicated regularly enough when we were working out the trade. It's possible they got lost in the mail, but he could have sent me some more if that were the case, or at the very least offered an apology. His actions towards me show that he cannot be trusted, so make sure you don't swap with him. Losing a wooden animal is not that big a deal, but having your trust betrayed most assuredly is. And if this guy can't be trusted with a small trade like this, no way can he be trusted with anything significant. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." (Luke 16:10, KJV).


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