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Gray Hair Natural Remedy

I was 19 years old when I got my first gray hair. Now, years later, my gray hair is almost non-existent. I was tired of going to salons and spending a fortune to have my hair colored and suffering through gray roots in between. I hated feeling like I looked older than my years. Through persistence and careful research and experimentation, I finally found a way to recolor my hair naturally - internally. You can too! With simple, good nutrition and a few inexpensive items from your health food store taken internally, you can achieve the results that I and others have achieved. Do not listen to doctors and others who say it can't be done. Gray hair has been produced experimentally by depriving subjects of certain vitamins and minerals. Once supplied, gray hair regained its natural color. I saw results in approximately one month. You will see the quickest results if you have premature gray hair, however, there is a case study of an 83 year old man who regained his natural red hair color!

For the list of products and step-by-step instructions to recoloring your hair naturally, please send $12.95 to:

Natural Remedies
P.O. Box 13161
Overland Park, KS 66212-1361

If you have questions or need further information, please send email to address below.

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates