
publication order of Sherlock Holmes stories by A. Conan Doyle

BCA = Beeton's Christmas Annual
LMM = Lippincott's Monthly Magazine
TSM = The Strand Magazine
HW = Harper's Weekly
MM = McClure's Magazine
C = Collier's
TAM = The American Magazine
HIM = Hearst's International Magazine
L = Liberty

first publication dates titles of stories codes narrator year
01 1887 Nov BCA A Study in Scarlet STUDWatson
02 1890 Feb LMM The Sign of Four SIGNWatson
03 1891 Jul TSM 01 A Scandal in Bohemia SCANWatson1888
04 1891 Aug TSM 02 The Red-Headed League REDHWatson1890
05 1891 Sep TSM 03 A Case of Identity IDENWatson
06 1891 Oct TSM 04 The Boscombe Valley Mystery BOSCWatson
07 1891 Nov TSM 05 The Five Orange Pips FIVEWatson1887
08 1891 Dec TSM 06 The Man with the Twisted Lip TWISWatson1889
09 1892 Jan TSM 07 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle BLUEWatson
10 1892 Feb TSM 08 The Adventure of the Speckled Band SPECWatson1883
11 1892 Mar TSM 09 The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb ENGRWatson1889
12 1892 Apr TSM 10 The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor NOBLWatson
13 1892 May TSM 11 The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet BERYWatson
14 1892 Jun TSM 12 The Adventure of the Copper Beeches COPPWatson
15 1892 Dec TSM HW 13 The Adventure of Silver Blaze SILVWatson
16 1893 Jan TSM HW 14 The Adventure of the Cardboard Box CARDWatson
17 1893 Feb TSM HW 15 The Adventure of the Yellow Face YELLWatson
18 1893 Mar TSM HW 16 The Adventure of the Stock-Broker's Clerk STOCWatson
19 1893 Apr TSM HW 17 The Adventure of the "Gloria Scott" GLORWatson
20 1893 May TSM HW 18 The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual MUSGWatson
21 1893 Jun TSM HW 19 The Adventure of the Reigate Squires REIGWatson1887
22 1893 Jul TSM HW 20 The Adventure of the Crooked Man CROOWatson
23 1893 Aug TSM HW 21 The Adventure of the Resident Patient RESIWatson
24 1893 Sep TSM HW 22 The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter GREEWatson
25 1893 Oct, Nov TSM HW 23 The Adventure of the Naval Treaty NAVAWatson
26 1893 Dec TSM MM 24 The Adventure of the Final Problem FINAWatson1891
27 1901 Aug - 1902 Apr TSM The Hound of the Baskervilles HOUNWatson
28 1903 Sep C TSM 01 The Adventure of the Empty House EMPTWatson1894
29 1903 Oct C TSM 02 The Adventure of the Norwood Builder NORWWatson
30 1903 Dec C TSM 03 The Adventure of the Dancing Men DANCWatson
31 1903 Dec C TSM 04 The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist SOLIWatson1895
32 1904 Jan C TSM 05 The Adventure of the Priory School PRIOWatson
33 1904 Feb C TSM 06 The Adventure of Black Peter BLACWatson1895
34 1904 Mar C TSM 07 The Adventure of Charles Augustus MiIverton CHASWatson
35 1904 Apr C TSM 08 The Adventure of the Six Napoleons SIXNWatson
36 1904 Jun TSM C 09 The Adventure of the Three Students 3STUWatson1895
37 1904 Jul TSM C 10 The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez GOLDWatson1894
38 1904 Aug TSM C 11 The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter MISSWatson
39 1904 Sep TSM C 12 The Adventure of the Abbey Grange ABBEWatson1897
40 1904 Dec TSM C 13 The Adventure of the Second Stain SECOWatson
41 1908 Aug C TSM The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge WISTWatson1892
42 1908 Dec TSM C The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans BRUCWatson1895
43 1910 Dec TSM The Adventure of the Devil's Foot DEVIWatson1897
44 1911 Mar, Apr TSM The Adventure of the Red Circle REDCWatson
45 1911 Dec TSM TAM The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax LADYWatson
46 1913 Nov C TSM The Adventure of the Dying Detective DYINWatson
47 1914 Sep - 1915 May TSM The Valley of Fear VALLWatson
48 1917 Sep TSM C His Last Bow LASTAnonym1914
49 1921 Oct TSM HIM The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone MAZAAnonym
50 1922 Feb, Mar TSM HIM The Problem of Thor Bridge THORWatson
51 1923 Mar TSM HIM The Adventure of the Creeping Man CREEWatson1903
52 1924 Jan TSM HIM The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire SUSSWatson
53 1924 Oct C TSM The Adventure of the Three Garridebs 3GARWatson1902
54 1924 Nov C TSM The Adventure of the Illustrious Client ILLUWatson1902
55 1926 Sep L TSM The Adventure of the Three Gables 3GABWatson
56 1926 Oct L TSM The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier BLANHolmes1903
57 1926 Nov L TSM The Adventure of the Lion's Mane LIONHolmes1907
58 1926 Dec L TSM The Adventure of the Retired Colourman RETIWatson1898
59 1927 Jan L TSM The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger VEILWatson1896
60 1927 Mar L TSM The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place SHOSWatson

The first publication dates refer to the first or only magazine listed for each story. Where a second
magazine is listed, publication dates can range from the same month to several months later. Of the
60 stories, 58 of them appeared in The Strand Magazine. The codes for referring to the stories were
devised by Jay Finley Christ in 1947. Titles with a bluish background appeared in The Strand
as Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Titles with a greenish background appeared in The
Strand Magazine
as The Return of Sherlock Holmes. The date of 1892 given by Watson for WIST
conflicts with what is told in EMPT. In THOR, the next published story after the two narrated
anonymously, Watson claimed authorship of them: "In some I was myself concerned and can speak
as an eye-witness, while in others I was either not present or played so small a part that they could
only be told as by a third person."

notes on A Study in Scarlet (1887)

by John McDonnell
"The New York Sun, in its own editorial article runs as follows: THE MORMONS.
William Smith, brother of Joe Smith, the Mormon prophet, states that it is their
design to set up an independent government somewhere in the neighborhood of the
Rocky mountains, or near California. That the plan has been maturing for a long
time, and that, in fact, with hate in their hearts, skillfully kept up by the Mormon
leaders, whose pockets are to be enriched by their toil, the mass of the Mormons
will be alike purged of American feeling, and shut out by a barrier of mountains
and church restrictions from any other than Mormon freedom. That the design of
Brigham Young and the twelve is to build up a sacerdotal tyranny, the spirit of
which will be more repugnant to the spread of republican principles than could
possibly be the rule of Europe. These are William Smith's views. He is opposed to
the plan of organization and its leaders" (Times and Seasons Nauvoo Illinois 1845
December 1).

When A Study in Scarlet appeared in 1887, polygamy was still an official practice
of the Mormon church in Utah. The church's 1890 decision to abandon it was
necessary before Utah could become a State (1896). A recorded 1857 sermon by
Brigham Young indicates that "blood atonement" (murdering apostates) was once
an accepted practice in Utah: "Will you love your brothers or sisters likewise,
when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding
of their blood? Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood?"
(Journal of Discourses 4:219; Deseret News 6:397).

One of the more interesting accounts of fleeing the wickedness in Utah is in a
biographical sketch of Mark H. Forscutt by Roy A. Cheville published in Saints'
, Herald House, Independence Missouri, 1974:

"Mark Hill Forscutt was born June 19, 1834, at Bath, England. He was one of
those persons who have been considered 'naturally religious.' When a young man,
he went with some friends to hear a strange preacher with a strange message — a
Latter Day Saint. It was one of those cases where 'those who came to scoff
remained to pray.' ... At the age of nineteen, he was baptized in spite of the
opposition of his family who immediately disowned him. He went daringly ahead
in the life of the Latter Day Saints in the ministry to which he was soon called.
On March 25, 1860, he was married to Elizabeth Unsworth. On their wedding
day they left England for America. They were 'gathering' to the 'city of the
Saints' in Utah. They made their way to Omaha, Nebraska, where they joined a
caravan and traveled on foot to Salt Lake City. On arrival, Mark Forscutt
became private secretary to Brigham Young, a position he held for four years.
He saw the inner workings of the Utah church. He became heartsick and
disillusioned and angry ... For safety and livelihood he joined the Fifth
California Cavalry of the United States Army. Mrs. Forscutt and two small
children went along on excursions into Nevada ... Mark Forscutt left the Salt
Lake City region as a matter of safety. In those days there was an extremely
hostile attitude toward those who left the church as 'apostates.' By exchanging
a stagecoach ticket with a soldier he came out safely without identification.
Sometime later Mrs. Forscutt came east with her two small daughters on the
first Union Pacific train out of Ogden for Omaha ..." The sketch goes on to
tell of Forscutt joining the Reorganized church in 1865, returning to Utah for
a while as a missionary for the Reorganized church, becoming a close friend
of Joseph Smith III (a son of the church founder and the leader of the
Reorganized church), becoming a church music leader, in 1879 preaching the
funeral sermon of Mrs. Emma Smith Bidamon (who had been church founder
Joseph Smith Jr.'s one and only wife), and producing the Reorganization's first
hymnbook in 1889 (the earliest Latter Day Saint hymnbook had been produced
by Emma Smith in 1835)."

In his published memoirs, Joseph Smith III stated: "... after the death of
Brigham Young [1877] — and possibly as a partial result of the bloody Mountain
Meadow massacre [1857] and its publicity [in 1877 John Doyle Lee was executed
for the murders]
— there ensued a change in the administrative policies of the
Mormon Church, and the Danite band was put out of existence ... Mr. Fennimore
was the photographer who took the pictures that appeared in some articles about
the trial and execution of John D. Lee. These pictures included the scene at
Mountain Meadows where the massacre of 1857 occurred when a large party of
immigrants was killed and their stock stolen — ostensibly by Indians. Inquiry
under the auspices of the United States Government traced the crime to white
men belonging to the Mormon Church, of whom John D. Lee was but one,
though evidently made the scapegoat in crime for the whole party."

In A Study in Scarlet, its 1860 date for the murder of John Ferrier by the Danite
Band fits the conditions of the time. In my opinion, A Study in Scarlet would
make a great movie, if the exact details of the story were portrayed. Contrasts
between settled London and the Wild West, if skillfully shown, could be
extremely entertaining.

"Elder M. H. Forscutt wrote from Salt Lake City, Utah, September 21, 1866, giving
an account of a very disreputable and condemnable effort to destroy him and others.
He wrote as follows: 'During the stay of the brethren at my house, I found the
following paper inserted under my window sill: "Aug. 31, 1866. If not out of this
Territory in one week, you will die the death of a miserable apostate dog.
(Addressed) MR. FORSCUTT." The following Sabbath several of the saints, Bros.
Gillen, Anderson, and my own family took supper at my house, and all excepting
the two brethren and myself, and my eldest daughter, (five years old,) were
immediately taken sick. They vomited most fearfully, and experienced a very
peculiar sensation, accompanied by spasms in the stomach, and numbness of the
hands and feet. One of the sisters, Jane Maloney, wife of Bro. Maloney, (on whose
life an attempt was made nearly a year and a half since, as reported in Herald,)
resides at camp. She and her son were very sick, and in conversation with the
army surgeon, her husband was informed there was every indication of strychnine.
My wife cooked down in the cellar, to which there is a separate entrance, and a
neighbor's boy, on hearing of the circumstance, the day following, said he saw two
men, whom he described, standing near the stove on the day in question, during
the temporary absence of Sister Forscutt with her company. They doubtless did
the execrable work, but thanks be to God, who gave us the victory, they were
foiled considerably in their nefarious design. All are again restored whom the
murderous preparation affected, excepting Sister Maloney, and she experiences
a deadening sensation in her toes only. Those whom they most designed to
destroy were totally unharmed'" (The Saints' Herald 10:142-143).

"November 6, Elder Forscutt wrote from Columbus, Nebraska, of Utah affairs as
follows: 'I wrote you on leaving Great Salt Lake City, and merely drop you a
line to state that I spent Sabbath here, and had a truly soul-refreshing time. I
leave here tonight for Omaha, and will be in Plano as soon as I can manage my
affairs enroute. Times are lively in Utah. Dr. Robinson, next door but one
neighbor to me, and a personal friend, was murdered two days after I left. I
also learned from a gentleman who left there the day after the doctor's murder,
that General Connor and eight others were under orders from the Danite
fraternity to leave or die'" (The Saints' Herald 10:175).

The Book of Mormon, first published in 1830, may contain the strongest denunciation
of polygamy in all of religious literature. In its Book of Jacob there is lengthy
condemnation of polygamy, from which I extract the following:

"... the people of Nephi under the reign of the second king began to grow hard in their
hearts, and indulge themselves somewhat in wicked practices, such as like unto David
of old, desiring many wives and concubines, and also Solomon his son ..."

"... thus saith the Lord: 'This people beginneth to wax in iniquity; they understand not
the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms because
of the things which were written concerning David and Solomon his son. Behold, David
and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before
Me!' saith the Lord; wherefore, thus saith the Lord: 'I have led this people forth out
of the Land of Jerusalem by the power of Mine arm, that I might raise up unto Me a
righteous branch from the fruit of the loins of Joseph; wherefore, I, the Lord God, will
not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old.' Wherefore my brethren,
hear me and hearken to the word of the Lord: 'For there shall not any man among you
have save it be one wife, and concubines he shall have none; for I, the Lord God,
delighteth in the chastity of women, and whoredoms are abominations before Me!'"

How the church that Joseph Smith Jr. founded moved from such plain statements to
the sort of polygamy practiced by Mormons in Utah is strange. Due to false
accusations by enemies of the church, the 1835 book Doctrine and Covenants, with
the endorsement of Joseph Smith Jr. and other leaders, had included an official
church statement on marriage. One sentence read: "Inasmuch as this church of Christ
has been reproached with the crime of fornication, and polygamy: we declare that we
believe, that one man should have one wife; and one woman, but one husband, except
in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again."

Yet, Mormon harems in Utah became a reality. In the memoirs of Joseph Smith III
(1832-1914), w beginning in 1860, served as president of the Reorganized church,
are poignant accounts of his encountering plural wives during his missionary trips
through Utah. "I was once invited to [cousin] Joseph F.'s. He received me kindly as
I arrived, and we chatted for a little while before supper was announced ... To me
the situation in which I found myself seemed very strange. For the first time in my
life I was permitted to see thus at close range the domestic relations of a p*olygamous
family and the actual operation of a doctrine which had long been unspeakably
repulsive to me. The very fibers of my being seemed to cry out in protest, and so
strong was my prejudice and antipathy that I seemed to feel almost physically ill as
I contemplated the scene. There, at one board sat a complacent man, surrounded by
three wives and a large number of children ... The women did not take much part in
our conversation. I thought I detected upon the countenances of two of them,
evidence of some distress of mind, and possibly, regret, as if they were conscious
that the opinions I would form of their family relations were not likely to be very
complimentary to them."

The Flower of Utah

by John McDonnell
Before the state of Utah chose
The sego lily for its flower,
'Twas told the flower of Utah was
A fairer girl than Mormon power
Had seen on all the Pacific slope.
But she loved a Gentile man named Hope.

In vales beyond a nation's laws
A sacerdotal rule enthralls.
The priestcraft reach with grasping paws
Confined the girl in harem walls
Until she pined away and died.
Revenge replaced the tears Hope cried:

"Let's see if justice dwells on earth
"Or if we all are ruled by chance."
Death comes to all of human birth.
Beside the salt lake satyrs dance
In darkness, while in the light of day
The sego lilies gently sway.

Now that Mormons have some reputation for happy monogamous marriages, one might see in
that a fulfillment of Isaiah 1:18: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though
your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall
be as wool." Nevertheless, evil practices in Utah will continue until they are exposed.