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 Koinonia In Him

Hello and thank you for visiting my page.
I hope you have a pleasant journey. . .
There is much within that doesn't meet the eye of the rational, nor the ear of the religious, but it is put forth for those who will risk all and seek after Him who is Truth - namely Jesus the Christ - whom we have been given the privilege of partaking in.

So dear surfer, leave your world behind, along with your attempts at pleasure, riches, or purpose - come out from among them who reject God, who are citizens of this world, or members of a religious body who has usurped the Most High's place.

My World

The Path
II Job
Words from the Wilderness
The Teacher or a Preacher
The Purging Fire
Body in Dissarray
Home Church Links
Ben Israel Site
Juli & Kenny
Family Pictures 
M'Shia's web page

