Realisms ... if truth be known<br>wouldn't we feel like idiots?
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Realisms ... if truth be known
wouldn't we feel like idiots?

What seems true
might really be an illusion.

So much of myself might be scattered throughout this site in the wordings, in the melodies, in the pictures, even the backgrounds. All of them create and recreate something that has touched me in some way at some time once upon my lifetime.
If I were to pull my experiences together, the facts may bore you, the lessons might amuse some of you, the logic gained might confuse you, the insight might touch you. But for everything gained and lost and gained again or repeated throughout a past that was perhaps already written before it was told, two phrases have somehow managed to tattoo themselves on my memory.

An algebra teacher from eighth grade put the first one there while trying to explain integers to a person who thought too hard to understand them in the first place. To drift here slightly, mathematics, aside from the VERY basics, was never my "cup o' tea." After all, you cannot sugar coat numbers unless you have a passion for them to begin with, right? But algebra was a MUST in school and to get through it with a passing grade it made sense to remember my teacher's formula. Of course, at that time its meaning only applied to math. And only in recent years have I found it can apply to anything. So ...


And the second phrase came to me on a book rack during a time in my life when I guess I was begging for some sort of direction. Sometimes life's twists are funny. The right something just enters into life. That something may come in the form of a person, a song on the radio, a picture, a book. Anything. The day I found this book was the day my tensions began to loosen. And I would highly recommend reading ...


and it's all small stuff

to everyone!
Not familiar with the KISS?It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. However, for the politically correct ... the word silly may be substituted.
Not familiar with the book Don't Sweat The Small Stuff ... and it's all small stuff?, then get to the bookstore!

Or, if my former algebra teacher doesn't mind, and if Richard Carlson, Ph.D. can live with this, I'll just include a little about it all.

[KISS IT] [The book] [Use the back button!]