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My 50 miles

My 50 miles!

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Will you pledge YOUR 50 miles?

The aim of this site is to reach people who have a desire to make the world a better place. However you think the world would benefit and what you do about it has to start at your doorstop.

In my daily life and I would guess yours too, the farthest we venture out on a daily basis would be approximately 50 miles. Some people go farther, some less, however on average our "world" encompasses about 50 miles.
My Pledge. My pledge to this world of mine is to keep my yard clean, neat and inviting. I will in other words--show pride of ownership.

How does that help the world? It helps because I am taking pride in what is entrusted to me. I will be respectful of the grass, the earth, the sidewalks, the trees and flowers. I won't let things get run down and trashy looking. Perhaps it will inspire pride in my whole neighborhood.

This small step will better a part of my 50 miles. If every person does one tiny pledge of earnest effort to better their 50 miles, eventually we can cover the planet. Happiness to you... ~Charlene