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Health - Tourism

  1. Bezruchka, S. (2000). Medical tourism as medical harm to the Third World: Why? For whom? Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. 11(2), pp. 77-78.

  2. Cliff, S. and Grabowski, P. (eds). Tourism and Health: Risk, Research and Responses. London: Pinter.

  3. Cossar, J.H., Reid, D., Fallon, R.J., Bell, E.J., Riding, M.H., Follett, E.A.C., Dow, B.C., Mitchell, S. & Grists, N.R. (1990). A Cumulative Review of Studies on Travelers, their Experience of Illness and the Implications of these Findings. Journal of Infection. 21, pp. 27-42.

  4. Dan, M., Costin, C. and Slater, P.E. (1996). Malaria Imported by Travelers: The Israeli Experience. Journal of Travel Medicine. 3(3), pp. 182-185.

  5. Davies, R. (1988). Tourism and Food Safety. In: Pasini, W. (ed.) Tourist Health: A New Branch of Public Health. 1, pp. 91-98.

  6. Elsrud, T. (2001). Risk creation in travelling: Backpacker adventure narration. Annals of Tourism Research. 28(3), pp. 597-617.

  7. Fournier, P.E., Roux, V., Caumes, E., Donzel, M. and Raoult, D. (1998). Outbreak of Rickettsia africae infections in participants of an adventure race in South Africa. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 27(2), pp. 316-323.

  8. Jong, E.C. and McMullen, R. (1997). Travel medicine problems encountered in emergency departments. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 15(1), pp. 261-281.

  9. Juckett, G. (1999). Malaria prevention in travellers. American Family Physician. 59(9), pp. 2523-2530.

  10. Ross, S.A. & Sanchez, J.L. (1990). Recreational Sun Exposure in Puerto Rico: Trends and Cancer Risk Awareness. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 23, pp. 1090-1092.

  11. Ryan, E.T. and Kain, K.C. (2000). Primary care: health advice and immunizations for travellers. The New England Journal of Medicine. 342(23), pp. 1716-1725.

  12. Sullivan, D. (1996). Treating traveler's diarrhea. Women's Health Digest. 2(2), pp. 150-151.

  13. Virk, A. (2001). Concise review for clinicians. Medical advice for international travellers. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 76(8), pp. 831-340.

  14. Waner S. (1999). Health risks of travellers in South Africa. Journal of Travel Medicine. 6(3), pp. 199-203.

  15. Weiss, E.A. (1999). Medical considerations for wilderness and adventure travellers. Medical Clinics of North America. 83(4), pp. 885-902.

  16. Wickens, E. (1997). Licensed for thrills: risk-taking and tourism. In: Cliff, S. and Grabowski, P. (eds). Tourism and Health: Risk, Research and Responses, (pp.151-164). London: Pinter.

    Last updated: 20/08/2002.