The Young Riders Fan Fiction
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Dear Readers,

Due to many other obligations that have presented themselves in my life, I have decided to cease to maintain a Fan Fiction site. But never fear! The Young Riders Express Station has recently merged with Writers Ranch.. All stories that have previously appeared on this site have been moved there and will be receiving the updates there as well. So please mosey on over to Writers Ranch if it's fan fiction that you crave.

Over to Writers Ranch!

"The Young Riders" was created by Ed Spielman. The basis of the story, the character that were created, the locations in which the story is placed and the original storylines are the copyrighted material of Ed Spielman and the associated writers of "The Young Riders". Fan Fiction stories are the pure creativity of the fans based on the show. They do not mean to contradict or defame the original story line of "The Young Riders", but only to give another side of the story.

Writing a story and publishing it to a TYR Fan Fiction site means you are under the full understanding of the original copyrighted terms and conditions. Agreeing to post a TYR story to any Fan Fiction site means that you may not submit your story to any literary publication in return for monetary compensation.

Remember, fan fiction stories are the copyrighted material of each individual writer and may not be duplicated without written permission from the author.

The Young Riders The Young Riders Web Ring
The Young Riders Web Ring is moderated by Lisa.
This TYR Web site is owned by wCw
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If you have any questions, please contact Wendy at

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