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KrisGela Up-Close & Personal

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The Story of Our Friendship
Hehe, so, Kristin and I kinda mostly met at a horse show (this is back when she was leasing Spot and I had GA).  We didn't talk too much that time, but after the show, Kristin told her mom that I was actually A-Ok.  Well, silly mothers..her mom told my mom and my mom told me, hehe.  Sometime between that show and our next, we bonded like crazy and have been best friends ever since (well, except for a few little, um, thingies). 

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Kristin went with me to homecoming my Sophmore year (teehee, she was just a 7th grader!).  Along with us, came our friends Adrienne (in blue) and Megan (in black).  We had an overall jolly time and she got to meet all my "big, older friends".

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MHJA Horse Show Banquet
The MHJA is the Michigan Hunter/Jumper Association--the association that we've shown in for the past two years.  At the banquet pictured here, Kristin won 3rd place in both Primary Equitation on the Flat and Intermediate Equitation on the Flat.  I got 4th in Primary Equitation on the Flat.  Here we are with all our RHS (old barn) buddies!

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Kristin's 14th Birthday
Kristin, Marissa and I all went to Great Lakes Crossing (a local, new mall) for Kris's BD.  Here we in front of the ever-busy Rainforest Cafe.



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Card of the Day