The Official Kismet Homepage
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You lucky stiff. You've stumbled upon the best kept secret on the web...

kis-met \'kiz-met\ n. often cap. [Turk, fr. Ar qismah portion, lot] (1834) : the principle or determining cause or will by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do : i.e. FATE or DESTINY

Kismet, Man of Destiny

Kismet is unique. He is a representation of the possibilities that human beings face. This is what lies behind the facade of a comic-book hero. Kismet's skills were taught to him by a travelling circus, but his powers were granted by karmic forces.

Kismet's chief asset is his single power. He's the luckiest man in the world. This ability manifests itself in many ways, and he uses it to do his best to battle evil. So is the ballance of the universe.

As he moves through his life Kismet fights villains and his own mind. He constantly struggles to maintain a grip on reality as his consiousness is flooded with images of the metaphysical. Kismet doubts himself, the existence of a higher being and the powerof the human spirit. These are what drive him on his way to become one of Earth's greatest heroes.

Always remember: Lady Luck smiles on whoever the @*#! she wants to.

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© 1997 Nick DANTE Rockers

"Kismet", "The Official Kismet Homepage", "Kismet, Man of Destiny", and all likenesses thereof are all one-hundred percent fully owned by Nick DANTE Rockers as a member of Switch Track Alleyİ. Any unlawfull reproduction of this document, in whole or in parts, is strictly prohibited, y'hear? Any similarities to anyone living, dead, living-dead or otherwise, is purely coincidental, unless, to quote Rob Schrab, "it's funnier on purpose."