Chapter 4

"Hey!" Diana said. "Hello nice to meet you" Michele said. "Hello" Kristen said. "Hey Kristen!" Ashley said. "Hey Ashley. I didn’t know you were here. Sara didn’t tell me anything" Kristen said looking at Sara. "Oh Ashley’s here" I said with a smile. "Ha Ha very funny" Kristen said with a fake smile "Well what do you guys wanna do?" Walker asked. "Why don’t you two get to know your soon to be girlfriends" Zac said pointing to Isaac and Taylor and giving them a wink. A hour passed and Taylor talked to Michele and Isaac talked to Kristen and found out tons of stuff in common.

"Everybody in the van. Planet Hollywood here we come!" Diana said. On the way there, Isaac and Kristen were talking and Taylor started to flirt with Michele. As of me and Zac, we just talked and made up stupid jokes along with Ashley. When we got there everybody pigged out. While we were there we got disturbed a lot by the all fans. Some girls would just scream and others tried to grab them. After we all ate we ran out and piled up in the van. "Boy, now I know what you go through when you go out to eat dinner" Kristen said. "Yeah you get use to it after you do it alot of times" Taylor said. "That is not half as bad as it was in another restaurant we went to a couple months ago" Isaac said laughing. "Wow I would be scared" Michele said, "Well sometimes it is scary but others it’s just like ‘here we go again’." Zac said. We all talked the whole way home to the hotel.

When we got to the hotel we all went to the hotel room. And sat down and talked again. The guys talked about their concerts they had and about the craziest moments they had and the craziest fans they had. After an hour Diana and Walker told us that they were going out for a little while. "Well we are going to go out for a little bit OK kids" Diana told us. "Yeah we will be fine" Isaac answered. "Are you sure you can handle Mackie and Zoë?" Walker asked. "Yeah dad we will be fine it’s not that hard." Taylor said "OK we will be gone for a few hours OK?" Diana said. "Zoë is sleeping so you don’t really have to worry about her, if she wakes up just…" "Yeah yeah yeah , give her a bottle and leave her in her bed and she will fall asleep again." Zac interrupted "OK well bye then." Walker said. "Bye" everyone said together . Then they left. "Ah alone at last with out any parents. Yes" Isaac said laughing. "Yeah party!" Zac said jumping up and dancing. "Yeah! Party!" We all yelled as we all jumped up and danced.

After 10 minutes of talking again, Kristen and Isaac decided to go outside because it was hot in the room. Taylor and Michele talked on the couch for a while till they decided to go in the other room cause it was hot. Ashley ,Jessica, and Avery played house together till they all got tired and fell asleep. Zac and I played with Mackie till he fell asleep and then we put him to bed and we continued making stupid jokes together. "Bullet-proof marshmallows?, what the heck is that Zac? I asked "I dunno it just popped in my head so I said it, plus I thought it was something cool to say, cause you know I need to be cool and all" Zac answered "oh yeah sure Zac, you sure need to be cool, anyways, I have been you using it a lot since I heard" I said with a smile "Hey you jocker that’s my line….just kidding you can use any of my lines any time you want OK?" Zac said smiling at me. I smiled back. Then Zac leaned over and kissed me on the lips. "Omg! Yes! i have been waiting for this" I said in my head.

"So how do you like it out here in LA?" Kristen asked "I actually love it out here." Isaac answered "Yeah so do I , I love it out here too. It’s where I grew up and I can’t ever leave it and if I do I will miss it so much!" Kristen said "Yeah the only problem is that there is a lot smog out here and you can’t see the stars" Isaac said "Yeah, I know but I lived here so long that I don’t even notice it any more." Kristen said. Isaac suddenly leaned over and kissed Kristen. Kristen was so shocked she pulled back and went back into the hotel room. After Kristen realized what happened she walked back outside. "Sorry" Isaac said. "What? You didn't do anything wrong" "Yeah I did. I shouldn't have kissed you." Isaac said and turned away from Kristen. "Isaac no. I just wasn't expecting you to kiss me and all. I was just shocked." "Yeah but still. I shouldn't have kissed you." "Oh Isaac, I'm sorry I should have never ran away. The thing is, I wanted you to do it. All night I have wanted you to do , but once you did it it came as a big shock to me. I'm sorry" Isaac just stood there looking at Kristen. Then he leaned in and kissed Kristen. This time Kristen wasn't shocked. "Kristen?" "Yeah Ike" "Well I know we have only known eachother for like a day, but I really like you. I mean I feel like and I have known you forever. Will you be my girlfriend?" "Oh wow. i dunno. You're right we have only known eachother for a day" "It's alright if you say no. I'll understand" Isaac said and put his head down. Kristen looked at him. What was she saying. She had always wanted this. why was she saying she didn't know. She walked over to him and picked his head up with her hand and looked into his eyes. "Yes" she said softly. "Really?" Isaac said and smiled. "Yeah" Kristen said and smiled back. Isaac then leaned down and kissed her.

Michele and Tay were in the other room "So what is it like to have all these screaming girls screaming at you" Michele asked. "Well it is pretty weird but then you get use to it after a while, once you get use to it , it is pretty cool." Taylor answered. "But don’t you get tired of it after a while because everyone is screaming in your ears?" "Well no you sorta just ignore it if you get tired of it." "Oh OK’’ Michele said. After that there was a long pause. Tay was looking at Michele smiling "What?" Michele asked. Taylor just sat there looking at her again. "What?" Michele asked again. "Oh sorry was I staring at you?" Taylor asked. "Yeah you were and you didn’t answer me for like 5 minutes!" "Oh I’m sorry I was just admiring how pretty you are." "Oh thank you" Michele said smiling and blushing. "No one ever told you that you were pretty?" Taylor asked. "No" Michele said. "Well I’m surprised cause you are really pretty and people should tell you that" "Thank you Taylor" Michele said. Then Taylor leaned over and kissed Michele on the lips softly. Michele just sat there so Taylor pulled away . "I’m sorry I didn’t mean to" Taylor said "What, you didn’t do anything wrong" "Well you just sat there like you didn’t like it" "No I liked it I’m sorry" Michele said while leaning over and kissing Taylor on the cheek. "OK" Taylor said and leaned over and started to kiss Michele on the lips.


Chapter 5
