Chapter 12

Zac and I were sitting in my room playing with Ashley. Ashley walked over to Zac and pointed at him. “Mmmbop.” “How cute” Zac said smiling. “Yeah we call her the Mmmbop baby. She dances and sings to your music. “Really cool.” Zac started to sing Mmmbop. Ashley started dancing and singing. Zac and I both started laughing. “How long has she been doing that” Zac asked trying to stop laughing. “Umm I think since she was 9 months” ‘Oh wow cool.” Zac said and started laughing. “What’s so funny.” Isaac asked walking into the room. “Oh hey Isaac. Ashley dances and sings to Mmmbop.” Zac said. “Oh Cool.” Isaac said. “Hey guys are you ready to go?” Michele walked into the room. “Yup” Everyone else said. “Disy” Ashley said walking over to Michele. “Hey, Ashley” Michele said picking her up. “Hey why don’t we take Ashley so Pam can have a rest.” Kristen said. “Alright. I’ll go tell Pam.” Michele said. "Hey Pam. We’re all going to the mall and we’re taking Ash. Ok?” “Alright Shele. Hey make sure one of you guys has your pager ok?” “Alright. Bye Pam.” “Pam Have fun.”

Everyone else was already piling into the car. Isaac and Kristen sat in the front. Then Zac and I went in the middle with Michele, Taylor, and Ashley behind us. Then we started out towards the mall. We were driving for about 5 minutes when Kristen shouted “Wait!” Isaac stopped the car. “What?!” He shouted back. “We forgot to get Ashley’s diaper bag and we have no money.” “Oh, I have my money ” Michele said laughing. “Now why didn’t you remind me to get some?” “Well I dunno I thought you were smart enough to get some since we are going to the mall you know.” “Oh well you should know me by now Michele” “Yeah that’s true.” We then turned around and went back to the house. “Kristen and I went into the house. Kristen went to get the diaper bag and I went to talk to Pam. “Back so soon?” “Pam asked. “Oh no we forgot money and the diaper bag, can we have some money?” “Uh yeah how much you need?” “Um I dunno.” “Um how about 100 dollars for the both of you?” “Okay that’s good” I said with a smile. “Sara lets go.” Kristen yelled walking out of the house. “Okay……Bye Pam thanks.” “Bye have fun.” Then Kristen and I both got into the car and we headed off to the mall again. “Hey guys what mall do we want to go to?” Michele asked “Umm lets go to Del Amo ok?” Kristen asked. “Ok.” Michele and I said. “Alright you guys need to tell me where that is.” Isaac said. Kristen told him how to get there. “Hey Michele” Tay said. “Yeah Tay?” Michele answered. “Where are your parents?” Tay asked. “Oh they are in vacation in Japan. They went to see my mom’s family.” “Oh why didn’t you go?” “I don’t know. My parents decided it would be better if I stayed home instead of going away for the whole summer so I stayed home.” “Oh ok. I’m glad you did.” Tay said smiling. “So am I” Michele said smiling back. Then Taylor leaned over and kissed Michele. For Taylor to kiss Michele he had to lean on Ashley. Ashley didn’t like when he did that so she started smacking him in the face. “Nun Nun, Bad doog.” She yelled. “Ashley no” Michele said laughing. “Ha Ha Taylor got beat up by a baby” Zac joked. “Nun Nun…… Shhh” Ashley said to Zac. “Alright alright Ash.” Zac said and turned around. “Ha Ha Zac!” Taylor said. Then we all talked all the way to the mall.

When we got to the mall, it was packed. “Damn there are no parking spots” Isaac yelled looking for a spot. “Well let us out and we’ll meet you somewhere in the mall.” Taylor said. “I’ll stay here with Ike.” Kristen said. “Alright we’ll meet you at the food court at…um… 1:30 since it’s 1:00 now.” Michele said looking at her watch. “Make that 1:45” Isaac said smiling.” “Oh alright?” Michele said. Then we all got out of the car and left Isaac and Kristen to look for a parking spot.

“So what store do you want to start with?” Taylor asked. “Um lets go to Wet Seal first.” Michele said “Alright.” We all walked in to Wet Seal. “Taylor what kind of weather will it be like?” Michele asked looking at the rack of clothes. “Well it is summer after all, so I wonder what the weather will be like.” Taylor said sarcastically “Oh shut up Tay. I was just asking, so it will be hot?” “Yeah it will be hot, very hot.” “Awww man I hate the hot weather.” “Oh well I’ll keep you cool.” Taylor said smiling. “Oh really how are you gonna do that?” Michele said smiling and turned toward Taylor. “Umm I dunno, I will find a way to keep you cool, how do you want me to keep you cool?” Taylor asked grabbing Michele and putting his hands around her hips, and she put her arms his neck. Then Taylor leaned over to kiss Michele when they were interrupted. “Oh my god it’s Taylor Hanson!” A Hanson fan screamed. “And he’s with a girl!” another one screamed. “Oh my god Michele we have to hide.” Michele grabbed Ashley and her and Taylor ran to go get Sara and Zac

Zac and I were looking at the pants when we saw Michele and Taylor running towards us. “Zac Sars! We have to go now!” Michele yelled. “But I haven’t picked out anything” I said looking at them strange. “We have to go now!” Taylor yelled. “Why? What’s wrong!” Zac asked “Zac look!” Taylor said and he pointed to the entrance of the store. There was like 10 or 11 girls looking for the guys. “Oh my god, Sara we will go into another store and buy clothes.” Zac said grabbing my arm. “Oh okay lets go.” I said. We all went around the whole store to find a way to get out. We walked around and tried to tip toe by the girls but one noticed us. “Look there they are.” She screamed. “Zac’s with him too!” another screamed. We tried to get out but a girl grabbed Ashley’s arm and pulled her from

Michele’s arms. Immediately Ashley started to cry. “Oh my god Tay they grabbed Ash!” Michele yelled. “Tay get her!” I yelled. “Give me back Ashley!” Taylor yelled at the girls. “Oh my god he talked to us!” a girl screamed. Ashley was hysterical now. “Give me back Ashley!” Michele yelled. “And who are you?” a girl said with a cocky attitude. “I’m the MOTHER of Tay’s child that’s in your arms! Now give her back!” Michele yelled. “Oh my god it’s Tay’s child, I’ll never let go” The girl who was holding Ashley said hugging Ashley. “I was kidding it’s not Tay’s child! Give her back you bitch!” Michele said and then grabbed Ashley out of the girls arms. All the girls just stood there and stared at us as we walked away. Zac turned around and waved, and they all screamed.

Kristen and Ike were in the car still. “Damn how long have we been looking for a parking spot!” Isaac yelled. “Umm too long” Kristen said. “Yeah I know”. “Ike look there is one!” Kristen yelled. “YES!!”. Isaac pulled the car into the parking spot. He turned off the engine and started to get out. “Ike wait” Kristen said grabbing Isaac’s arm and pulling him in the car. “What?” Isaac said looking at Kristen. “What’s the rush to get in the mall?” Kristen said with a smile. “Well we have been in this car for a lon…” Isaac looked at Kristen. “Ohh I see where you are going” Isaac said with a smile. “Yeah Ike, duh. We are here alone in the car with no parents, no kids…… no one. I guess those blonde roots are starting to show” Kristen said smiling and pointing at Isaac’s head. “Hey leave my hair alone. Just because it’s a little bit lighter then yours.” Isaac said fixing his hair. “Ike your hair is fine, I love your hair just as much as I love you.” Kristen said pulling his hand down. “Yeah really how much do you love me?” Isaac said grabbing Kristen’s hand. “A lot” “And a lot is?” “A lot is a lot.” “a lot as in this” Isaac said and pecked Kristen on the cheek. “Or as in this” Isaac said and pecked her in the lips. “A lot as in this!” Kristen said and leaned over and started kissing Isaac. “Really? I love you that much too.” They both started laughing. And then Isaac leaned over and started kissing Kristen again.

“Gosh that was like scary, how do you guys go through with that everyday?” I said while we were walking into a different store. “I know man, imagine if they didn’t give Ashley back.” Michele said pushing Ashley’s stroller into another store. “You know they would have given her back, because you know, no one can bare to ignore my face.” Taylor said, smiling. “Oh yeah Tay you just keep thinking that and maybe, just maybe it will come true.” Michele said laughing. “Hey women it did come true” Taylor said following Michele. “Oh Tay don’t flatter yourself, you know it was me they were all staring at.” Zac said posing. “Oh god not you too.” I said and walked away. Zac just stood there still posing. People were walking by him and laughing. Then he realized he was standing here alone and ran inside the store to find me. “Hey why did you leave me out there?” Zac said. “Because you were looking like a fool” I said laughing. “So that’s no reason to leave your own boyfriend out there. You don’t love me anymore” Zac said turning around and had his back towards me crossing his arms. “ Oh Zac you know I love you.” I said turning him around and hugging him. “Yeah I know I just wanted you to say it so I felt special.” “Oh Zac you are such a goof-ball!” “I know but I’m your goof-ball right?” “Of course”. Then Zac leaned over and started kissing me.

“So should I get this one or this one.” Michele said holding up two bathing suits. “Uh I dunno you are the one who is gonna wear them.” Taylor said looking around. “Well I want your opinion” Michele said walking over to Taylor. “Well I dunno.” Taylor said. “Well you should know because you are the one that is going to be seeing me in it.” “Well you have a point there huh?” “Yeah.” “Well I’m going to try them on, okay stay here.” Michele said and started to walk towards the dressing room. “Wait!” Taylor said and grabbed Michele’s arm. “What?” “Why can’t I come with you? After all I am the one who is going to be seeing you in the swim suit” Taylor said and grabbed Michele by the waist. “Well for starters, I’m trying the swim suit, and secondly You are a guy and this is a girls dressing room and third of all I don’t want you to watch me get dressed.” “Well I won’t look.” “Oh sure Taylor, you are in the same dressing room as me and I am changing into a swim suit, but you won’t look.” Michele said sarcastically. ”I won’t I promise” Taylor said with a puppy dog look on his face. “No Taybear now stay here.” Michele said and walk into the dressing room.Taylor felt lonely just sitting outside of the dressing room while Michele was inside of the dressing room. So he decided to go in the dressing room. He got up and walked right in. The lady stood up and said, “Excuse me young lady are you trying something on?”. Taylor not trying to get caught going into the dressing room, quickly replied in a girlie voice, “Um no, I’m just checking on my friend.” “Oh alright go right ahead.” The lady said and smiled. Taylor walked into the dressing room. He looked underneath all the little stalls to find Michele’s shoes. As he found them he snuck underneath the door. As she was unbuckling her pants she felt someone grab her around the waist. She turned around, screamed, and then she saw it was Taylor and the smacked him on the back of his head. And then she said to Taylor “What the HELL are you doing in here?”. “Oww you didn’t need to slap me like that.” . “Well you scared me.” . “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to” . “Whatever, What are you doing in here?”. “I missed you”. “I was only gone, for what? 3 minutes?”. “Yeah but that’s 3 minutes to long”. “How did you get here, the lady just let you walk in?”. “Yeah it’s the funniest thing, she thought I was a girl” Taylor said laughing. “Yeah just like I did when I first saw you.”. “What? That’s scandalous .” Taylor said “I know but I still love. And that doesn’t mean you can stay here So get out!” Michele said turning around. “Aww come on.” Michele turns back “Do you really want to see me in this.” She said holding up the swimsuit. “YES!” “Alright then turn around” He turned around and closed his eyes.

“Really, you guys really rollerbladed in that hotel, you guys are crazy.” Kristen said smiling. “I know but it was fun, I always love doing fun stuff.” Isaac said. “So do I, what’s the point of doing something if it’s no fun.” “Yeah, but you know what have made it more fun?” Isaac asked. “No what?” “You rollerblading with us.” Isaac said smiling. “Aww Ike that is so sweet.” Kristen said and kissed him on the cheek. “I know that’s why I said it.” He said with a another smile. “Oh don’t flatter yourself too much there Ike” “Why not?” “Because” “Because why?” “Just because” “Fine! I won’t!” He said and turned and faced forward with his arms cross and with a frown on his face. “Aww Ike I didn’t mean it. It was a joke.” Kristen said trying to grab his hand. “No you were right I shouldn’t” “Ike? Ike? C’mon Ike answer me.” Kristen pleaded. There was no response from him. “Ike my god it was a joke!” Kristen yelled getting a little upset with Isaac’s reaction. “Clarke Isaac Hanson you better talk to me right now or I am going to leave this car!” She yelled. There was no response from Isaac but a little grin. “1…2…2 and a half… 2 and 3 quarters… Ike c’mon you know I don’t want to leave… Fine!” Kristen said and folder her arms and faced forward in her seat. “I thought you were leaving” Ike said. “Ha! I got you talking.” Kristen said smiling. “Yeah I guess you did.” “Why weren’t you talking to me?” “Because I wanted to see what you would do.” He said laughing. “So you weren’t mad at me. That’s so wrong! Make me do that for no reason” Kristen said smacking him in the arm. “Oww! I’m sorry!” Ike said laughing. “What’s so funny?” Kristen said. “You!” He said in-between laughs. “Oh I’ll give you something to laugh about. She said and jumped on top of him and started pinching him. “Oww stop stop… alright! That’s enough stop. Ouch!” He yelled. “You want me to stop?” “Yes” “Why?” Kristen said stopping.” “Because while you were doing that I could do this” He said and kissed Kristen. “Oh ok neither could I but now I can.” They both laughed. Kristen leaned down and started kissing Isaac.

Zac and I pulled apart. “Where’s Ashley?” Zac asked. “She’s right the… well she was right there a minute ago.” I said. “Where’d she go?” Zac asked. “I dunno. Where do you think she went?” “I dunno she’s your sister.” “Well, yeah that’s true.” I laughed. Zac and I walked around the store looking for Ashley. “Ashley? Ashley?” Zac called. “Ash!? Ash?!” I yelled. “Damn where the heck is your sister. This is why we never bring Mackie with us shopping.” Zac joked. “Yeah we’ve never actually brought Ashley by ourselves like this before.” “I can see why” Zac said walking by a rack of leather jackets. He stopped and picked up one. “What do you think of this on me?” He asked. “Oh yes Zac that just fits you just perfectly.” I laughed and rolled my eyes. “Yeah it’s more Tay’s type them me.” He laughed putting the jacket back. “You are so mean to your brother!” “No I’m not.” “Yes you are.” “No I’m not he’s mean to me!” “Yeah that’s true but you still are mean to him.” “I’m only mean when’ he’s mean plus Ike’s my favorite brother.” He said smiling. “You are so mean!” I said and smiled. “Not really.” He said and walked away towards the shoe area. I followed him. “ASHLEY!” I yelled when I saw Ashley sitting on the floor putting a shoe on. “What are you doing?” I asked her. “Shoos! Shoos!” Ashley yelled. “Yeah shoes.” I said and put the shoes away.” “Lets go find Tay and Michele” I said and walked away. “Alright” Zac said and followed.

“Alright you can turn around now.” Michele said to Taylor. Taylor turned around and stood there in awe at the site of Michele in a purple flowered bikini. “Shut your mouth you’re gonna catch a fly.” “Oh sorry. I was just admiring how pretty you look in it.” He said with a grin on his face. Michele blushed. “Uh Tay what is that grin on your face for?” Michele asked. All the response she got was Tay grinning more. “TAY! TAY!” “What? Huh? Oh! Sorry” He said and blushed. “What were you thinking about?” “Nothing” “Sure you were.” “I swear!” “Whatever! Can you please get out so I can change back into my clothes.” “Aww” “Tay please it’s cold.” “I’ll keep you warm.” He said and wrapped his arms around Michele. “Tay no get out.” “I want to stay.” “No Tay OUT NOW!” Michele yelled. “Alright alright, calm down. I’m leaving.” “Thank you” She said and shut the door behind Tay and started to change back into her clothes. Taylor walked down the hallway and walked out of the dressing room. The lady at front stopped Taylor. “Is she alright?” She asked. Taylor just look at the lady. “Huh?” He asked. “Your friend.”. Taylor then remembered what the lady was talking about. He put his girlie voice on and answered her. “Oh yeah she’s fine.” He said and smiled and walked away.“Hey guys!” Taylor said as he walked up to Zac and me. “Hi Tay” I said. “Where’s Michele?” Zac asked. “Changing back into her clothes.” He said. “Oh is she gonna buy something?” I asked. “I think so.” “Oh okay”. Just then Michele walked up to them. “Hey guys!” Michele said. “Hi Michele.” Zac said. “What time is it Tay?” I asked. “Umm 1:30.” “Ok we have to meet Ike and Kris in the food court in 15 minutes.” I said. “Yeah I know let me buy this and we will leave.” Michele said and walked to the cashier. Michele paid for her swim suit and we all went on our way to the food court.

Kristen pulled away from Isaac. “What’s wrong” He asked. “Nothing I have the feeling we were suppose to do something.” She said. “We weren’t suppose anything.” He said and leaned in and started kissing Kristen again. Kristen just pushed him away. “No seriously what were we suppose to do?” “Nothing.” He said and again leaned over and started kissing Kristen. She again pushed him off. She looked at her pager. “That’s it! We were suppose to meet them somewhere at um um 1:45. But where?” She said and looked at Isaac. “I dunno don’t look at me” He said and put his hands up. “Uh think Kristen think!” Kristen said to herself. There was like a pause for a while. “THE FOOD COURT!” Kristen yelled scaring Ike. “Oh my god! You scared the crap out of me” He said. Kristen just starting laughing. “It wasn’t funny. You seriously scared the carp out of me.”. Kristen just laughed harder. “Kris it wasn’t funny.” “I’m sorry it wasn’t funny. You’re right.” She said trying to calm down. “Yeah! It wasn’t. Anyways, what time is it.” Ike said changing the subject. Kristen looked her pager. “Crap! It’s 1:40. We have five minutes. And I dunno my way around the mall.” She said opening the car door. “Well who’s fault is that?” “Oh shut up Ike and lets go.” She said and got out and started walking towards the mall. Ike got out of the car and ran up to Kristen and grabbed her hand and they both walked into the mall hand and hand.


Chapter 11
Chapter 13
