Chapter 47

The whole ride home Michele told Isaac and Taylor what had happened earlier that day. "They really said that?" Isaac asked pulling into the driveway. "Yeah. I'm kinda scared now" Michele said as she got out of the car. "Don't worry Shele. Tay and I aren't gonna let that happen. I mean they are just teenys. They can't do anything to you" Isaac said opening the front door. They all walked into the living room. "Whatever hoe!" They heard Kristen say and slam the phone down. "Who was that?" Isaac asked and walked over to her. "I dunno. Some hoe. She was threatening me about dating you. Don't ask me how she got this number" Kristen said and sat down on the couch. "Were their names either Sarah, Katie or Kristy?" Michele asked. "I dunno. I think so. They were just yelling alot. Why?" "Cause they were at the movies threatening me about Tay" Michele said as Taylor wrapped his arms around her waist. "Crazy! I swear Isaac, what's up with the people in your town" Kristen said and laughed. "I dunno. It's weird. They never acted like this before." Isaac said. "It's because they aren't use to having beautiful California girls here" Taylor said looking at Michele. "Aww how sweet Tay" Michele said and kissed him.

Isaac and Kristen decided to go upstairs and leave Taylor and Michele downstairs. "So when are we gonna go?" Kristen asked and hopped on Isaac's bed. "Um I dunno. When do you want to?" Isaac asked sitting down next to her. "Asap. Cause this is killing me not knowing for sure if i'm a damn 14 year old mom or not" Kristen said and laid back on the bed. "Alright. We'll go tomorrow" Isaac said. "K good" Kristen said and then there was a silence. "Isaac?" Kristen asked breaking the silence. "Yeah babe?" Isaac asked and looked down at her. "What if I am pregnant. What will we do. I mean we will have to tell your parents. And you heard what your dad said, if he found out we were doing anything besides kissing then we wouldn't be able to see eachother. And your dad is a serious guy" Kristen said. "Kris. Think about it. I know you are scared and I am too but, look. Why would they keep me away from my child. So we would have to be together. I know they will get mad. More upset rather than mad though. Just don't worry hun. It will all be ok. No matter what will happen" Isaac said. "You're right. But I'm still scared" Kristen said. "Look" Isaac said and positioned himself so that he was on his hands and knees over Kristen. "There's nothing to be scared about. I will be here with you through everything." Isaac said and put his forehead to hers. "But..." Kristen was stopped when Isaac kissed her.

Michele looked up at Taylor, "He is so adorable but I can't believe people would go that far in order to stop me from dating him. They won't get him he's mine" she thought to herself and smiled. "What ya smiling at?" Taylor asked. "The fact that I have the best guy in the whole world." Taylor smiled and kissed her as the door bell rang. Michele looked up at Tay a little scared. "I'll get it. Stay here" Taylor said getting up and walking to the door. He opened it to see those girls. "Hello. I was wondering if I could please speak with Michele." "I'm sorry but she isn't available right now." "Oh but we really need to speak with her. It will only take a second." "Sorry she is making me lunch." "Why is SHE making you lunch. You know I am sure I can cook better then her. Let me make it" Katie said trying to walk in. "No I'm sorry. My girlfriend will make me a fine lunch. But I really have to go girls sorry" Taylor said and shut the door. "But uh.." Sarah said as he shut the door. "Uhh we'll get her!" Kristy said before they turned and left.

"Everything will be fine and I will be here through everything no one can stop me" Isaac said again looking into her eyes. "Okay I love you so much Isaac. and I would love to have children with you but just not now. I am only 14. I am just about to start High school. I can't be pregnant. I just can't" Kristen said with tears forming in her eyes. "Kristen, don't get all worried. We don't know if you're pregnant and if you are we will figure out what to do then but for now don't worry yourself about it please." Isaac said wiping the tears away with his thumb. "Isaac just hold me please" Kristen said with a quivering voice. Isaac laid down behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Please don't worry. I will call up and make an appointment and then we will deal with it after alright?" "Okay. What about the tour? Are we gonan tell your parents?" "Don't worry right now. Thats what we will deal with later. Here you're really stressed let me give you a back rub" Isaac said as Kristen laid on her stomach and Isaac began to massage her back.

Taylor came back over and sat down by Michele. "See all taken care of. No need to worry" Taylor said putting his arms around Michele. "Thank you Tay." she said and kissed him. "Are you hungry? Did you want something to eat?" Michele asked. "Huh?" "Oh you told them I was making you lunch. Do you want me to?" "Oh no I'm fine. I'll just do this" Taylor said kising Michele passionately. He opened her mouth with his tongue as they continued the kiss, and then the phone rang. Michele pulled away from Taylor, "going to get that?" she asked. "Some one else will" he said and kissed her again. "Uhh I'll get it" Michele said and picked up the phone. "Hello, Hanson residents" she said. "Hey. This is Zac I'm at Jeremy's house just calling to let you know. Bye" Zac said and hung up. "Uhh sure Zac" Michele said and hung up. "Okay you got it now.." Taylor said and kissed her again. Taylor got up and grabbed Michele's hand and brought her up to his room and they both sat ont he bed as he kissed her again. Michele laughed a little. "What?" Taylor asked. "Nothing. come here" she said kissing him.

Isaac had been massaging Kristen for awhile when he heard her snoring lightly. He smiled to himself knowing that it was good for her to be sleeping cause she might not sleep much in the days to come. "What have I gotten myself into. I might have ruined Kristen's life. She can't be pregnant she is only 14. What about the band if this gets out we are through. I knew I shouldnt have been so irresponsible. But then what's so bad about a baby? A part of me to live on and show how much I love Kristen. I do love her and I won't ever leave her so what's wrong with us having a child together." Isaac said quietly to himself. Isaac had woken Kristen up with his talking and she listenend to every word he was saying. Happy tears slid down her cheeks for the first time in awhile, she knew right then that no matter what happened, whether she was pregnant or not that Isaac would be with her for the long run. That he would never leave her and she knew she felt the same way about Isaac. She sat up and and grabbed Isaac around the waist as she kissed his cheek. "You really do love me don't you?" she asked. "With all of my heart" he answered honestly. "I love you too Isaac. I think we can do this" Kristen said confidently. "I know we can" Isaac said and kissed her lips softly.

Taylor began to lay Michele on her back as he began to kiss down her neck. He began to suck and lightly nibble on her neck. "Uhh Tay?" she asked but he didn't respond. "Taylor!" she said louder this time. Taylor looked up at her and she pointed to the window. "What the hell?" Taylor said when he saw the gilrs in a tree watching them. Taylor walked over to the window and shut the curtains and walked back over to Michele, immediately kissing her. He began to run his hands all over her body before slowly reaching up Michele's shirt. He lifted up the shirt and threw it on the ground right as the phone rang. Neither of them made a move to get it until they heard Isaac yell that it was for Michele. "Uhh" Michele said and reached for the phone. "Hello" she said upset from being distrupted. "Listen you lil skank hoe get the fuck off my man" Katie said into the phone. "Oh fuck off he's my man and if you couldnt see he's on me. Have a nice day bitch" Michele said and hung up the phone. She then moved so she was on top of Taylor and started to kiss him and take of his shirt. When the doorbell rang. "I am really tired of this!" Michele said getting up to answer the door.

"Isaac can we call and make the appointment now so we can get this over with please." Kristen said. "Okay let me find the phone book." Isaac left and came back witht eh number for the local hospital. He dialed the number, "Hello Tulsa regional medical center how may I direct your call?" "I would like to be transfered to the obstetrician" Isaac said. "Okay please hold." The lady said as she conencted them. "Hello Dr. Thompson's office, Nurse Simpson speaking." "Yes I would like to make an appointment to see Dr. Thompson for a pregnancy test please." Isaac said calmly. "Alright when would you like to come in?" The nurse asked. "Well as soon as possible please." "Well let me see. We have an opening tomorrow at 3:30, would you like that one?" "Let me check. Kris tomorrow at 3:30 alright?" Kristen just nodded her head. "Yes we would like that appointment please." "Okay and what name would that be under?" "Oh uh Kristen... Hanson." Isaac said and smiled. Kristen smiled back liking the idea of being Mrs. Isaac Hanson. "Okay Mr. Hanson tomorrow at 3:30. In room 205." The nurse said and hung up. "Tomorrow at 3:30 in room 205" Isaac repeated the information to Kristen. "Okay I guess I can wait that long." Kristen said laying back on the bed as Isaac layed next to her wrapping his arms around her.

Michele opened the front door to see Kristy. "EXCUSE ME BUT COULD YOU PLEASE STOP BOTHERING ME AND MY BOYFRIEND WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING IF YOU DON'T MIND!" Michele yelled. "As I can see by how you are dressed! hmm Taylor like black bras?" she said snobbily. "well for your information he could really give a crap what i wear because thats not what really matters. now please leave us alone" she half yelled half begged. "Oh yeah what really matters is that you'll suck him, fuck, and do anything he wants you to do" "Okay no thats you little tulsa people! Now please leave me alone! I'm tired of this okay!" Michele said and tried to slam the door but was stopped. She looked out to see Kristy's face red from anger. "What? you asked for it by bothering me. I am trying to spend time with my boyfriend now please just leave." Michele said and full closed and locked the door before walking back upstairs to a waiting Taylor. "Okay no more distractions." she said and climbed back ontop of him, smiling. She kissed him and began to unbutton Taylor's pants. She pulled them of and threw them on the floor as Tay made it so he was on top. He kissed down her stomach until he got to her shorts and looke dup to see if it was alright. "Go ahead Tay" Michele whispered as he undid them.


Chapter 46
Chapter 48
