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Slaughter House Updates

October 21,2003 - Took Down Poll and Message Board, they didnt work anymore, I updated my links so there are no dead ones and I added a few more. Halloween is Just around the way and I found out Halloween 9 is a greenlight. WOOHOO. Ill work more on this later.

June 13,2003(FRIDAY THE 13th) - Freddy vs Jason is a greenlight, August 15,2003 the movie I have been waiting 14 years for will hit the big screen. Unfortunately do to size limitations, Kane Hodder of the Friday the 13th series will not be playing Jason. This is going to be a grand finale to 2 of the best horror series ever. I better start saving up money because Im going to be stuck in the theatre all week watching this one. To Watch the Trailer and Read Up on the Movie Click Here
July 16, 2002 - Halloween Resurrection came out this week in theatres, just unfortunately not at mine :( I will however download this movie or do whatever it takes to see it. I got the chat and message board up and running again and also added a poetry section. Thanks---
February 13, 2002 - Starting massive update on site will be updating over the course of the next weeks
January 10 2001 - Well what can I say other things come up. I will always spend more time on this in the summer though. And in case anyone was wondering I check my email at least once a week.
December 14 2000 - I got a new poll that isnt email based.
December 13 2000 - I updated the movie reviews and I hope to start soon on my almost non-existant Picture Gallery and Sound Page
November 7 2000 - I went to Emporia Kansas and saw Kevin Smith aka Silent Bob of such movies as: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma. It kicked ass, Snoogins.
October 27 2000 - I got a new guestbook, and some good news.HALLOWEEN 8 IS BEING MADE IN FALL OF 2001!!!. Check with Halloween for more details
October 25 2000 - I have neglected this site for too long, hell the guest book doesn't even work anymore. I am going to spend all my free time on the internet trying to make something out of this website.