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Blue Dawn By Brad Brown
Not to start, just stop, my life seems like a ticking clock, just ticking, ticking away into what has become the point of all this, wheres the dawn that wakes me up from the 5pm glaringness, why was it more than any other a burden just time spinning and jumping through our lives where is the sanctity. Friends come and go as I get older now some dont, wash down the squareness, only in my mind have I been stuck since whenever this came to me, but now its time to start over and find a new dawn, a blue dawn of happiness and trainquility, wheres the bliss devine? whens my favorite time? And as the cloud shall pass I will be back where I left off in someother time, blue dawn, bliss devine.
Something True By Brad Brown
The chance past me by No sorrow becoming of the sky When you were here I was blind Now I cannot get regret out of my mind Take back, for this is through May the world around me teach me something true.
What Have You By Brad Brown
Dont take my words for granted,take them for pain. The loss suffered daily in a hectic state of torment and confusion, so do you believe we are all for the time and the time modeled for us, taking a vow of conformation to consciousness and freely releasing regurgatated moments on an eight sided canvas of breath,thought,love,hate,faith. Nothing more than what I say brings the conclusion that all was lost and just now reconcilliation flows in through minute fissures of existance. No friend the happy sunshine does not break my clouds and for it I am left to freely diverge my epileptic state of likeliness. Even morons make sense in a world of pathetic aspirations and commitments, you wont be there now,maybe then, certainly never. I can think twice as long and lose more than I have gained in a time of solitude, the illusion elludes my indulgence for when I wake tomorrow and look backwards the only thing left is pandemonium. Tomorrow definately didnt remember me yesterday and surely wont again. Try to bring a light into a hurricane of ifs, ands, and whys. Most importantly the descent into a fragmentation of breath uttered in a dimension void of hope and understanding.
Well Known Strangers By Brad Brown
I thought I was real, the thought didnt know the millionth of anything whatsoever I didn't mean to be me, it always ends in grief Glued to the ceiling are the things I will never see. Picking up my pace, off I go now, wherever I land thats where Ill sit Although the strain is sharp and unnerving, I lack the procrastination to make things change If I could scrape your essence with my unwavering taint it wouldnt make up for the loss of sanity I now and will always bear. I remember you clear as daylight, schitzophrenic as it may seem Gone from the paper, I have been erased The box came unlabled and without instructions So now the zoo is trying to make a stir of my fire, it only takes one minute for logic to come into play. You never knew what I thought you knew but once again I know of nothing Time is not linear but my path is clear. Without change there will be no fufillment and no understanding. Why is life in general a death filled battlefield. My ramblings cant change you and they dont make me anymore of a person than I was the last time I tried to pry my mind for unintelligable nonsense. I spew forth words of nothing, I scribble and jot down a side of which I dont know. Hopefully, no, no, I come to no absolutions. The more you try the less the value then its back into the tornado I go.
Comments are appreciated but not necessary I know I'm insane. The Jitters In My stomach Right now all I feel is what you left for me in the passing hours of the night. The sleeps to blame, want to break down, no more fights. You hold more control over me than the sea over its passing wanderers. Put this blade of peace in my stomach, stop the warmth, I want to bleed for her. How another could come along to take the place of one long lost, is out of my mind, its not worth the cost. Lady, please you aren't the one I blame. Its just the cobwebs stuck inside my brain. I realize you are your own person, I am your own too. Dont forget this. In my dreams the things we do. The jitters in my stomach, turning into knots, cold sweat panic, that is what I got. Leave me in peace so I can find some time,