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In the 1890's a slave fell in love with a landowner's daughter and they concieved a child. After this happened the slave was punished by having his hand chopped off, and dipped with honey. While they watched him suffer a swarm of bees attacked and stung the poor slave to death.

The slave was "The Candyman", and the name is because of the honey he was dipped in. His retched soul came back to haunt innocent people with a hook that replaced his missing hand. In this movie he has centered his attacks to an apartment building.

Rumor has it that if you go into a bathroom and shut off all the lights, stand in front of a mirror, and chant Candyman's name 5 times he will appear and kill you. Well in this movie a woman becomes so facinated with "The Candyman" that shes led to take over his reign as the bathroom killer.

This is one of my favorite movies I suggest that you rent it imediately.


Sorry for not having a picture, but i couldn't find one. There are 3 Candyman movies:Candyman, Candyman:Farewell to the Flesh, and Candyman:Day of the Dead. Who knows maybe we'll see another Candyman