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Cat and Meg's Website

Welcome to Megan and Catherine's new website! We created this website to post our stories and opinions. We are in the process of getting a guestbook so you can post your opinions. There are still a few things that are unfinished but they will be up and running soon!

Cat's Metaphor of Life

When I came back from vacation at my grandparent’s house I was telling my friend’s about their yacht, and how it had an entire living area onboard. Rachel starred at me in awe and said “Bathrooms?! You have a bathroom on your boat!? When we need to go to the bathroom we use a bucket!” Megan then turned to Rachel and sounding just as astounded said “Buckets!! You have buckets on your boat!? When we need to go to the bathroom we just hang off the end of the boat!!”
This, I have concluded is the metaphor of life. Some of us have clean, self-working bathrooms, and when they break down we just call the plumber; others had to use filthy, reeking buckets which have to be emptied and cleaned every few days lest they brim over onto the boat; and the rest us just hold on for dear life and hope the wind is blowing in the opposite direction.

Meg's Philosophy of Life

"We are all in the gutter. Just some of us are looking at the stars."
Everyone should know that life does not always work out the way we want it to, but I think as long as we are "looking at the stars" everything will work out. Just be patient. What good things come if we arent willing to wait for them?

Stories...and then some

Detective story
Jamaican Story
Fernando Returns
Simply Love
Mandie Story
The Great Game Escape
The Lumberjack Story
Cat's Opinions
Meg's Opinions

Weekly list: Best Star Wars Quotes

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