Page Four


why Seek?

Shhh... It comes....

We are like caddis fly...

Someone asked me...
'Does Life Love?'

Keeping the Wolf from the Door...

The same sun (1993)

A Whole Day...

A Poem A Day

Why Seek?…

home Copyright Jane Johnson 1976

Why seek? Why seek to break the bond of love We work to make when we're at home? Why look for shores as yet unfound When feet can scarcely touch the ground Whereon we stand? For it is here we show our form, Not in the dream as yet unborn.. It's here we learn to give, and share.. Winged thoughts of love meet in the air, And giving takes no pain from you, But blesses when the love is true.. It's only when we give to gain That ties the soul and thus brings pain.. Forgetting self when giving love Leaves self unfettered to rise above The attachment to our own desires.. Living for all is living for One, Not attachment to many When the Work's begun, For He is in the lowest form, Even Thee, So seek to rise above the worm, That tries to envelop the soul in coils Of selfish Greed That only spoils Each precious moment Of love of life, That separates and Leads to strife, That says 'Thou art above And I below...' Tear open the heart To let love flow.. T'is all a part Of the Heavenly Plan To feel God's love in the heart of Man That he may truly rule the Earth By ruling himself, Bringing to birth The purity of thought, Of word and deed, Fulfilling in us The crying need To go beyond the worldly state Leaving freedom to truly live, and mate Not with a mirror to you and me But with Love himself in all we see... That Union blessed and prolonged, The Balm to all that we have wronged, The Gift of Life freely to live That God Himself was moved to give The soul of Man that he might learn To live for Him, and thus return Into His Grace, To behold His Face Within the face that life presents, To see that He Is All we see, And all in greater harmony Than we can be.. Unless we hold within our hearts The Love that brings the many parts Of all our being to One Whole, Where all souls born are of His Soul And we no longer seek to know.. For Love is here, to live and grow... True Knowledge is a sword that cuts that brooks no "maybe", "if's", or "but's.." What need have we to place our fear of God's created Plan... into some concept from the mind of Man? For thus Society is based; on Man's self-seeking that he placed before the quest to return to all.. This was the step that caused his fall from Grace, he made his own life - plan to shield himself from God's Love for Man... addendum; 1999: However strange or weird it seems our lives are invented, imagined dreams, So in Brahma's Breath, In each Time, and Age Aeon's life and death, In each Culture's stage of heart-rending need, is sent an emission to worshippers of greed, given Grace and Permission to relight the lamp of TRUTH in our lives once more to peel scales from our eyes to see what we're HERE for.. and for a moment redress.. and all sleepers AWAKE!.. so we may be blessed for our own sake! Something to love and thank Him for...

 Shhh...   It comes...      
Jane Johnson c.2000 home By way of an invitation To an English Spring This Valentine takes heart And this heart takes wing… To see the buds on boughs whereon birds sing The promise of summer Of Sunshine days ahead shows the shy emerging snowdrop Raising up its head surprised that peals of bluebells by its soft song are led Soft, the Season's senses stir The woods abound with sound. Faint musty odour creeps back in As feet disturb the loamy ground And sap sings all around The badger kits yawn sleepily At their mother's silent call. The Dawn Piper's orchestra strikes up, Cascading sound like a waterfall Showering blessing over all Soft, 'Tis Nature's greatest charm, Wood Magic, in the spring As, awakening sweet, after long winter's sleep Her heart leaps, rejoices, takes wing To feel the pulse of Life quicken everything c.Jane Johnson 14 feb 2000

 We are like caddis fly...… home

We start out as larvae - 
we trawl the river's flow 
For bytes of daily data 
each one to help us grow, 
surrounded with camouflage 
So no-one may know... 
Then one day, we say 
'Enough! No more! 
Now - it's time to show' - 

And as we emerge, 
from our cocoon,
for one brief day's night 
under a May moon
we dry our wet wings, 
and laugh like kings
dancing fairy rings
flying high and low... 

Yet it's the journey, 
Not the arrival, 
Where our life has its part, 
And the final delivery 
a moment's beating heart... 
Then love, live, and lay, 
Life circulates again, 
As we fade in the last day, 
and grounded once again, 
like fallen leaves,
lay down our lives 
a soft blot in the rain... 
Jane Johnson
Copyright 19th February 2000

 Someone asked me...

'Does Life Love?'
home By Jane Johnson c.2000

Life 'doesn't' love - the nature of all life is that which we think of as love - a total delight and absorption, and an engagement to stay alive and not just to perpetuate itself, but to breed - Love is the glue that holds the Universe together, the charm or charisma that attracts particles, paradox, and passion. Like energy, love can neither be created nor destroyed. The more love is given, the more it remains; loving both is, and is done, it is transitive, intransitive, transient in form but not in nature. The wonderful mystery of love is the essence of life, the bouquet, the attraction that has star systems singing and blood corpuscles zinging around bodies that revel in the resonance, saturated with the joy and the glory of being alive. Life had to be invented so that Love could happen, so that it could move from latency to actuality, and the experience of bonding, caring, growing, sharing, knowing, teaching, learning, giving, yearning, are all lessons that Life, or existence, is enabled to experience, as it is not loveless

Keeping the Wolf from the Door...… home

Once upon a time,
A long time ago
Three little pigs
Set off in the snow
For each little pig
Was getting much too big
So their Mother shook her wig
And said 'It's time to go'

They went to seek their fortune
A long long way from here..
One found some straw to build a house
He seemed to have no fear..
His sister found a pile of logs, 
she made a cabin fast
But littlest pig knew just what to do
He went on walking past

He found a pile of bricks
With the Brickie standing there
He checked his pockets, 
Shook his head,
For there was nothing there..
'If I should write a poem, Squire...'
He asked him, with a smile..
'Could you build me a little house
before too long a while?'

'Start writing, I'll start building,'  said 
The Brickie in reply
And before too long, 
With a poem and song,
A house stood by and by..
All winter through, like me and you
The pigs each had their sty..

When Winter had blown out her heart
And ceded place to Spring,
The Wicked Wolf emerged from sleep
And yawned and stretched, scratching..
His stomach growled, he sat and howled
He hadn't ate a thing..
He smelt a pig - he danced a jig
Then slunk off, slow, trotting...

The house of straw, as I said before
Was not so very strong..
When the fearless pig saw the creeping Wolf
He knew there was something wrong
If he stayed there, he'd be in the Wolf's Lair
And eaten before too long
So he threw rotten cabbages to mask his scent
And ran off, while Wolf stopped at the pong..

With a growl and a leer,
'I'll get you out of here..
The Wicked Wolf began to blow..
But just starting to appear
At his Sisters', pig No Fear
Laughed to think the Wolf
Did not yet know..

With a huff and a puff 
The house made of straw
Came crashing to the ground
But no sign of the pig 
Met the Wolfs yellow eye
Although he looked round and round..
So he set off at a lope
Moving faster down the slope
Following a piggy laughing sound..

'Help! He's coming!' sister said
with a towel over her head.
but her brother smiled - he had No Fears
'He'll never blow this down'
Confidently - then - a frown
At the splintering crash arund his ears
So, grabbing his sister's hand
They went running across the land
To visit little Pig, in tears

'Why whatever's up with you?
Oh, please, come in, you two,
take a seat, tell me -
I there something wrong?
'There's a w w wwolf!' said pig No Fear
'My , well, I've a great idea
said the littlest, putting pans of water on..
We'll give him a welcome bath,
Come, let's do it for a laugh
I can guarantee he won't stay long!'

Just then a howling breeze
(the Wolf was on his knees
blowing dust up from the mat behind the door)
'Come on out, or I'll blow you in!'
Said the Wolf, with great big grin,
But the pigs all laughed, 
Just as they'd done before..
Wolf was furious now
He got on the roof somehow,
Down the chimney.. and was boiled red raw!

So the piggies lived as one
In their happy little home
Made of bricks,
Keeping the Wolf
From the Door..

copyright Jane Johnson 2000

The same sun 
(song lyric, 1993)…
home The same sun shines on me as you Though we are far apart And He whose Drum beats the pulse of you Finds echo, echo, in my heart My love for you is deeper than The ocean between us whose timeless span Cannot wash away the times each day My yearning turns to you... The golden gleam of morning's eye Beneath the lid of cloud Gazes at me from the dawning sky; My heart beats time aloud In far off climes, in other times Where for you, the sun is already high The Great Divide plucks my heartstrings inside My silent love can no longer hide My breath... My breath sings out a sigh Yet a smile escapes my lips when I see Dawn's gleam is like your gaze The morning's gift is like a kiss That time can not erase In my mind's eye, I see your face I can only be still, implore the Grace That we might share more Time and Space To live, to live the moment through And now, for all that we have lived I celebrate, and I savour the gift Of what I, I shared with you Your love has brought me back my own Now I no longewr wish to be alone I want, I want to go with you So if you can spare more time to share And if you can bear it - I'll go with you

 A Whole Day.. home

Out of a whole day of hubbub, I choose a time of silence
out of a whole day of struggle, I choose a time of ease
Out of a whole day of movement, I choose a time of stillness
Out of a whole day of distraction, I choose a time of Peace
Only then can I feel worry and care release

For though the requirement of the day's insistent,
yet the call of the inner realm is stronger still,
and though desires may be tempted beyond resistance
my greater need is to open my cup to fill...
inside, inside where beauty lives, and always will

Out of a whole day, the gift of Life in flow,
I give back to Life, the time to set me free
to go inside, to sample, taste and know
and feel gratitude for Life's sweet gift to me
Were I not to give thanks - how foolish and blind I'd be.. 

Copyright Jane Johnson
4th February 2000

 A Poem A Day… home
By Jane Johnson, Copyright 2000

Life is a poem in all of its parts for a unique vision of truth stirs our hearts We all share our species our faculties, our race yet each has perspective from a different place Your words tell your story or sentiments kind your viewpoint is perfect for your state of mind Just read if you want to and write when you can - There's no competition, we all 'also ran' The hurdle is finding your voice from within and letting us share what gets under your skin So, welcome all poets, we've all written one - those poems in childhood of love, just begun... Now check out the guest book, write one of your own; never let it be said you left poems alone - for a poem's Life's vision, when all's said and done...


The music playing is 'Remembrance',
Composed, performed and recorded by Jane Johnson
Copyright 2000

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