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Contemporary French Poetry Anthology

Published by Toni Allen


Contemporary French poetry can be classified by most poets in two ways, either Dadaism or Surrealism. Dadaism, born in 1916, was away for the artist to make fun of their current era; to put it more philosophically Dadaist didn’t have any respect for regular moral value. Surrealism, born in 1924 by Andre Breton, was away of looking at life using the deep unconscious of the mind. The best way to think of it is abstract, meaning what was written was not always what it appeared, as well as, an individual would need to have the ability to think in an unreal state of mind. Best way to think about Surrealism is a dream. What caused artist, of all sorts, to begin thinking this way was World War I, which caused hard times for everyone.

             LIST OF POETS                                       References

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