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Welcome to the Voices in my Head



I'm Ivy and I'd like to welcome you to Voices In My Head. That's pretty much what this is about. 

I've got voices running in my head and the only way to get them out is to write up what they are talking about. On occasion these story's will be about members of the vocal group the Backstreet Boys. There will be story's that have nothing to do with them too. For the record I'm just trying to keep my sanity. :)

I have no idea as to how often I'll update this site, but, I'll do it as often as needed.

Don't ask me if I know any of the guys, of course I don't.  Don't know the, their attorneys, their wives, I don't know Jack! (I do know a Jill however, but that's neither here nor there.)

Write and tell me what you think. I'll tell the voices and see what they think.





get this gear!
