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Bible translation

1. New purpose

"The older focus in translating was the form of the message ... The new focus, however, has shifted from the form of the message to the response of the receptor." (Nida, Theory & Practice, p.1)

Note: Serving man becomes more important than preserving God's Word - Romans 1:25

2. New principles - contrasted with Scriptural principles

a. Concerning languages of the Bible

"The languages of the Bible are subject to the same limitations as any other natural language." (Nida, Theory & Practice, p.7)

Note: God specifically chose the Hebrew and Greek language as the basis of Scripture - II.Timothy 3:16, II.Peter 1-.21

b. Concerning form of words of the Bible

"To preserve the content of the message the FORM MUST BE CHANGED." (Nida, Theory & Practice, p. 5)

Note: The form of the words of Scripture must remain unchanged - 11.Timothy 1:13

c. Concerning translation of the Bible

"The translator must attempt to reproduce the meaning of a passage as understood by the writer." (Nida, Theory & Practice, p. 8)

Note: The writers did not always understand what they wrote - Daniel 12:8-9, I.Peter 1:10-12, Isaiah 55:8-9.

d. Concerning interpretation of the Bible

"The writers of the Biblical books expected to be understood." ( Nida, Theory & Practice, p.7)

Note: The writers did not expect to be understood, except by the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit - II.Peter 3:16, I.Corinthians 2:6-16, John 16.12-13, I.John 2:27

3. New techniques

a. Dynamic equivalence

1) Meaning - "change" (Ro.1:25)

"'Dynamic' means: 'lb. Of or pertaining to dynamics, active; opposed to static; pertaining to change or process'." (Waite, p.101, quoting Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1949, p.257)

2) Basis - Transformational Grammar

"There is a whole area in the field of English called Transformational Grammar, where everything is changed from one form to another [such as changing a verb to a noun]. This is the real seed plot of the so-called DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCY where you don't have the words brought over into English (or another language) word for word" (Waite, p.90)

3) History - Eugene Nida - see "New Purpose" and "New principles," above

'The modern history of DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE began with Eugene Nida. He was the man who was with the Wycliffe Bible Translators, the American Bible Society, and the United Bible Society. He popularized this DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE method which is used throughout the world." (Waite, p.93)

"In 1947, Eugene Nida wrote the book, 'Bible Translating', published by the United Bible Society ... of London." (Waite, p.19)

4) Concept

"Dynamic equivalency interprets the text rather than translates the text." (Johnson)

"Subtracting, changing, and adding to the Word of God, are the essence and heart of DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCY in its approach to translation. It's not translation, but changing the Word of God. It is pure paraphrase." (Waite, p.,43)

Note. Dr. Waite's view is different from Gordon Fee's (see below) who treats dynamic equivalence as something different than paraphrase. Dr. Waite is right; any change becomes paraphrase, whether it rejects changes in the Greek base, or non-literal translation changes from Greek to English. Therefore, this study has treated "The Message" as a product of dynamic equivalence as well as paraphrase.

5) Problem

"...if they use this DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE technique of translation (t)hey can change it at will. That is the saddest thing in the whole picture of our modern versions and in the whole translation and version problem ... All of it is hypothesis and guesswork by men. Anything they want to come up with is right. So, we see that DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE is more important even than the textual issue..." (Waite, P.98)

b. Paraphrase/free (See Gordon Fee in V.B.)

1) Meaning

"The attempt to translate the ideas from one language to another, with less concern about using the exact words of the original. A free translation, sometimes called a paraphrase, tries to eliminate as much of the historical distance as possible." (Fee, p.35)

2) Problems

a. Commentary, not translation

"A free translation ... can ... stimulate your thinking about the possible meaning of the text." (Fee, p.36)

"The problem with a free translation ... especially for study purposes, is that the translator updates the original author too much. Furthermore, such a 'translation' all too often comes close to being a commentary." (Fee, p.36-7)

        b. Single translator

"A free translation is always done by a single translator, and unless the translator is also a skilled exegete who knows the various problems in all of the biblical passages, there is a danger that the reader will be mislead." (Fee, p.37)

Note: Then why does he endorse THE MESSAGE?

4. New theology

"How many of you would be happy to have John 1:1 translated 'in the beginning was Logic, and Logic was with God and Logic was God; as a Reformed theologian, Gordon Clark, has advocated. Or perhaps you would be happy with the feminist rendering, 'in the beginning was Wisdom and Wisdom was with God and Wisdom was God; because some feminist theologians feel this is one way of feminizing the Trinity? The change of one landmark word in the theological terrain can alter the entire landscape." (Letis, p.79-80)

"The changes thus far are in the right direction and should contain the germs of a new theology. Every age must produce its own theology." (Schaff, p.142)

Note: This referred to the texts of the English Revised and American Standard Bibles.

    A. Declaration of Unity of the World

      1) History

"During the mid-1980s, 'New Genesis', a book that called for a new global spirituality, prompted [Juliet] Hollister and her friends to ask Robert Muller (then assistant secretary-general to the U.N.) to draft a 'Declaration of the Unity of the World'... This New Age Draft led to the Temple of Understanding sponsoring a meeting on Mount Sinai in October of 1984 to thrash out inter-religious consensus ..." (Smith, p.78)

     2) Document consensus

Note: Mystical terms and doctrines found in both the DECLARATION OF THE UNITY OF THE WORLD and THE MESSAGE are in upper-case letters

a. The ONENESS OF HUMAN FAMILY, irrespective of color, sex, creed, nation - or any other distinctive characteristic.

b. The HARMONIOUS place of the individual person in the total order of things, as a unique entity of DIVINE ORIGIN, with physical, mental, moral, and spiritual aspirations, and with basic relationship to the universe and eternity.

c. The importance of religion, prayer, MEDITATION SPIRITUAL EXERCISES, CONTEMPLATION, and the INNER SEARCH as links between human life and the universe.

d. The existence of an incipient conscious and heart of humanity, which speaks for what is good and against what is bad for humans; which advocates and fosters understanding, COOPERATION, and altruism instead of DIVISION, struggle, and indifference among nations.

e. The value of dedicated service to others, with a compassionate response to human suffering, with special attention to the poor, handicapped, the elderly, refugees, the rejected, and the lonely.

f. The duty to give thanks and express gratitude for the abundance of life which has been given to humanity, an abundance not to be selfishly possessed or accumulated, but to be shared and given generously to those who are in need, with a sense of social justice.

g. Need for ecumenical agencies and world religious organizations to foster dialogue and collaborative arrangements, and to bring the resources and inspiration of the religions to bear upon the solution of world problems.

h. A rejection of violence as being contrary to the sanctity and uniqueness of life, and affirmation of the law of love and compassion as the great transcending force which alone can break the nemesis of war and violence.

i. An acceptance of the precept - "Thou shalt not kill, not even in the name of a nation or a faith."

j. The evolutionary task of human life and society to move through the eternal stream of time towards INTERDEPENDENCE, communion, and an ever-expanding realization of DIVINITY.' (Smith, p.78-9)

 b. Mysticism/occultism

1) Purposes of mysticism

a. Men to become divine

"The mystic experience', says Recejac, 'ends with the words, 'I live, yet not I, but God in me'... In its early stages the mystic consciousness feels the Absolute in opposition to the Self ... As mystic activity goes on, it tends to abolish this opposition ... When it has reached its term, the consciousness finds itself possessed by the sense of being at one and the same time greater than the Self and identical with it: great enough to be God, intimate enough to be me." (Underhill, p.82)

"The mystic desires to be as close to God as possible; if not indeed part of the Divine Essence Itself; whereas the ordinary devotee of most religious systems merely desires to walk in God's way and obey His will." (Spense, p.284)

"Mysticism maintains the possibility of intercourse with God, not by means of revelation or the ordinary religious channels, but by dint of introspection, culminating in the feeling that the individual partakes of the divine nature." (Spense, p-283-4)

b. Men to become Christs

"The mission of mysticism to mankind ... is to lead Homo sapiens to the state in which it can use science and be led by spirit to create the race of Christs, the perfect race untainted by original sin." (Kirby, p.229)

2) View of Scripture - starting point

"To the mystic, Scripture is seen as the starting point, but true spiritual growth comes when one has graduated beyond rational contemplation of Scripture to meditation upon a word, a phrase, even the writings of mere mortals." (Dager, p.10)

Example from Gordon Fee:

"Your Bible, whatever translation you use, which is your 'beginning' point, is in fact the end result of much scholarly work." (Fee, p.15)

3) Other names for mysticism

a. Ageless wisdom

"The Ageless Wisdom is the golden thread connecting the hidden, mystical teachings within the major religious traditions." (McLaughlin, p.5)

"Peter Roche de Coppens ... suggests that if Christians were to discover the hidden messages in the Bible, they would realize that Christianity and this ageless wisdom are perfectly compatible." (Marrs, Dark Secrets, p.124, quoting Peter Roche de Coppens' forward to F. Aster Barnswell, "The Meaning of Christ for Our Age")

b. Ancient wisdom

"...when I speak of the Gnosis, I do not refer specifically to the Greek or Coptic variety, but to that 'Ancient Wisdom' which can be discovered as a thread of gold running through allegories and myths and fables from the very earliest times of which we have any literary records, and which has more recently been somewhat more fully expounded to us by some of the existing Masters of that Wisdom." (Kingsland, p.83)

Example of two books:

The Gnosis of Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures or The Wisdom in a Mystery, by William Kingsland

The Gnostic Scriptures: Ancient Wisdom for the New Age, by Bentley Layton

c. Gnosis/gnosticism

"The writings of the apostles, they (the Gnostics) said, in addressing themselves to mankind in general, enunciated only the articles of the vulgar faith, but transmitted the mysteries of knowledge to superior minds, to the Elect, mysteries handed down from generation to generation in esoteric traditions; and to this science of the mysteries they gave the name of (Gnosis)." (Pike, p.248)

"I am not using the term 'Gnosis' as applying merely to the tenets of certain Gnostic sects but I am using it in connection with a definite super-knowledge ... which was taught by Initiates, Adepts, and Masters of the Ancient 'Mysteries' and Mystery Cults which are known to have existed in Egypt and elsewhere, even in remotest times. That is the sense in which the term was originally understood. It is the mystic knowledge which effects regeneration, rebirth into the full consciousness of one's divine nature and powers as a 'Son of God'." (Kingsland, p.14)

d. Secret doctrine

"... both the Old and the New Testament Scriptures contain, hidden beneath the mere narrative, an esoteric meaning, a 'Secret Doctrine', a 'Gnosis'." (Kingsland, p.83)

"… all the Gnostic sects ... claimed to possess a secret doctrine, coming to them directly from Jesus Christ, different from that of the Gospels and Epistles and superior to these communications which in their eyes, were merely exoteric." (Pike, p. 542)



The connections between these organizations and people will become clear in the following quotes.

Organizations / Endorsers Navigators Renovare Regent College Chrysostom Society Cathedral of St. John the Divine Billy Graham

Eugene Peterson







Richard Foster






Madeline L'Engle





J. I. Packer





Gordon Fee




Billy Graham



Leighton Ford



Luci Shaw








'Prince' Michael Stewart



Celtic/Druidic Christianity






Temple of Understanding


_____James Parks Morton_____


  Cathedral of St. John the Divine  
  Madeleine L'Engle  
  Richard Foster - Quaker  
  Eugene Peterson  
  Billy Graham  

A. Organizations

1. Chrysostom Society

"...the group was started by Richard Foster, who convened a particular bunch of writers together." (Smith, p.123)

"Here is a partial list ...:... Peterson, Eugene N...... Foster, Richard J....... L'Engle, Madeleine;..." (Smith, p.130-31)

"Chrysostom lived a pure, simple life ... Extremely ascetic in his insistence upon simplicity of life, and inclined to mysticism, he did not always possess tact; but he did have a courteous, affectionate, kindly nature." (Cairns, p.152)

2. Huntington House Publishers (Published Samantha Smith's book, "Trojan Horse")

Note: In a telephone conversation with Samantha, she mentioned that Huntington House pulled Eugene Peterson's name from the following quote: "The following is a list of evangelicals who have unfortunately endorsed Richard Foster's teachings in 'Spiritual Disciplines' Second edition, pp.203-210).,." (Smith, p.113)

NOTE: "Spiritual Disciplines" should read "Celebration of Discipline."

3. The Navigators/NavPress

"...The Navigators sponsored a Richard Foster conference at their Glen Eyrie retreat center and sent announcements to those on their own (The Navigators') mailing list." (Meisel, p. 3)

Note: THE MESSAGE is published by NavPress.

Note: In the 1998 Navigator Summer Camp, King Arthur's Camelot was related to the Kingdom of God. This whole Holy Grail concept, mythology, and experience is based on mysticism: ,...on one level the Grail is an initiatory experience that in modern terminology would be described as a 'transformation' or 'altered state of consciousness'. Alternatively it might be described as a 'Gnostic experience', a 'mystical experience', 'illumination', or 'union with God'. It is possible to be even more precise and place the experiential aspect of the Grail in a very specific context. That context is the Cabala and Cabalistic thought.' (Baigent, p.303-4)

Note. Cabalism/Kabbalism is Jewish mysticism

4. Regent College

"Eugene H. Peterson is professor of spiritual theology it Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia." (Peterson, dust jacket)

Note: Other endorsers of THE MESSAGE  mentioned on the dust jacket are: "Gordon D. Fee ... professor of New Testament, Regent College" "J.I. Packer ... professor of theology, Regent College"

5. Renovare

"Actively promoting the revival of the meditative and contemplative traditions among mainline Christians today is Renovare (pronounced Ren-o-var-ay, Latin meaning 'to make new spiritually), founded by psychologist Richard J. Foster." (Dager, p.1)

"Renovare's Board of Reference: .... J.I. Packer ..... Eugene H. Petersen..." (Dager, p.15)

6. Temple of Understanding

"The priesthood which helped to create and operate the Temple of Understanding is the United Lodge of Theosophists of New York, through the tax exempt Lucis Trust." (Howard, 'A One World Church', p.13)

"The Temple began through the efforts of a strange group of 'founding friends'... establishing a world interfaith center based in the U.S. Additional sponsors have included ... the Society of Friends (Quakers)..." (Smith, p.77)

"Their intentions: to create a 'new type of mystic ... to be distinguished by his ability to see God immanent in all faiths and not just in his own brand of religious belief - the New World Religion." (Smith, p.77)

"...the Temple of Understanding ... is closely tied to the United Nations and is housed at Madeleine L'Engle's church, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Not surprising, James Parks Morton is the president of the Temple of Understanding." (Smith, p.75) Note: James Parks Morton is Dean of The Cathedral of St. John the Divine

7. Theosophy

"...theosophy claims simply to be the house of the secret doctrine, the wisdom which is the Perennial Philosophy, which is common to all religions." (Kirby, p.13)

8. Lindesfarne

"Although the Lindesfarne Association is a 'non-denominational and independent not- for- profit tax-exempt educational corporation,' its headquarters are located in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. 'The Very Reverend' James Parks Morton serves as Lindesfarne's chairperson..." (Smith, p.97)

"...the Lindesfarne Association an offshoot of Findhorn, a New Age community in Northern Scotland known for its gardens and nature spirits)." (Smith, p.67)

"The Lindisfarne Association is named after the ancient Celtic monastery ... and sees itself as a type of change agent that will help bring about the transition for the New World Order." Smith, p.98)

"The Lindesfarne Association first began ... as a New Age commune and was funded by Laurence S. Rockefeller ... The founder and director, William Irwin Thompson ... (is an) Irish Druid" (Smith, p. 93-4.)

"Thompson ... leaned toward a contemplative and communal mode for his group." (Smith, p.94)

9. Freemasonry

"Both Wicca and Freemasonry are, by coincidence or design, both referred to as 'The Craft'" (Schnoebelen, p.167)

Note: Peterson uses 'crafted' in connection with THE MESSAGE:

"The Message is a contemporary rendering of the Bible from the original languages, crafted to present its tone, rhythm, events, and ideas in everyday language." (Peterson, cover page)

"The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites." (Carrico, quoting Manly P. Hall, Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p.19)

B. People

Those who endorse THE MESSAGE; their endorsement, beliefs, and affiliations. The final name, Prince Michael Stewart, is included because he is the Druidic Head of the Celtic Church - connecting him to the druidic institutions of Findhorn, Lindesfarne, Cathedral of St. John's, L'Engle, etc., etc., etc ...

1. Gordon Fee

"The Message' is exegetically sensitive yet speaks in the language of today."

"The best translational theory is dynamic equivalence. A literal translation is often helpful as a second source." (Fee, p.36)

"...For the New Testament, the only Greek text available to the 1611 translators was based on late manuscripts, which had accumulated the mistakes of over a thousand years of copying .... This is why for study you should use almost any modern translation rather than the KJV." (Fee, p.34)

"Which translation, then, should you read? We would Venture that the NIV is as good a translation as you will get." (Fee, p.43)

Note: This book was written in 1981, several years before he endorsed THE MESSAGE.

2. Leighton Ford

"This new version of the New Testament will help many to transfer God's eternal truths to their contemporary lives."

"Sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association ... more than 10,000 Christian leaders met at Amsterdam in 1986 to plan a strategy for evangelizing the world ... Leighton Ford declared, 'Preach the Gospel but don't be so negative as to refuse to endorse or work with those who belong to a group that proclaims a different Gospel.'" (Hunt, Berean Call, p.112)

Note: Leighton Ford is married to Billy Graham's sister

In his endorsement of Richard Foster's book, "Celebration of Discipline", Ford wrote: "I personally was greatly helped when I first read it and have recommended it widely. Richard Foster's lucid writing plus his emphasis on disciplined grace have made this one of the notable books of our time. I often refer to it ... I welcome the new edition of 'Celebration of Discipline'." (p. 203)

3. Richard Foster

"I thank God for 'The Message'. In it Eugene Peterson gives a fresh and authentic voice to the Scripture. I recommend it highly."

"...Direct communication from the spirit realm [is] kept alive in the church today through Richard Foster and others..." (Hunt, Occult Invasion, p.301)

"Richard Foster ... became a new guru to evangelicals with his 1978 bestseller 'Celebration of Discipline'. It opened many Christians to the occult by instructing readers in occult techniques (including visualization of Christ..)." (Hunt, Occult Invasion, p.204)

"Despite the biblical assertion that no one has seen God's face and lived, Foster takes his followers on spiritual journeys up beyond the heavenly places and into the 'Presence of God', face to face with the Creator ... through the use of Eastern meditative techniques, His book, 'Celebration of Discipline', provides step-by-step instructions on how to: meditate, contemplate, 'center-down'....and 'concentrate on the breathing'. Using guided imagery, he leads his readers through the occult practices of visualization, meditation, and even astral travel." (Smith, p.111-12)

"It is little wonder that Foster, a Quaker, would institute such mystical practices in Renovare's curricula. The history and philosophy of Quakerism are marked by the mystical Early Quakerism especially was given over to the inducement of trances, violent shaking, (hence the name 'Quakers'), glossolalia, visions and mindless ecstasy." Dager, p.13)

"Alexander Whyte declares, 'with your imagination anointed with holy oil, you again open your New Testament. At one time, you are the publican: at another time, you are the another time, you are Mary Magdalene: at another time, Peter in the porch ... Till your whole New Testament is all over autobiographic of you." (Foster, Celebration of Discipline, p.30)

Note: The "whole New Testament is all over autobiographic of you" cannot be, unless in one's imagination he imagines he is also God. This exercise causes man to become the "center" of Scripture, rather than God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Eugene Peterson's endorsement of Richard Foster's book, 'Celebration of Discipline', Peterson writes on page 206:

"Like a child exploring the attic of an old house on a rainy day, discovering a trunk full of treasure and then calling all his brothers and sisters to share the find, Richard J. 'Foster has 'found' the spiritual disciplines that the modern world has stored away and forgot, and has excitedly called us to celebrate them. For they are, as he shows us, the instruments of joy, the way into mature Christian spirituality and abundant life."

Note. In his later editions Richard Foster changed certain parts of his book to conceal where he is truly coming from:

OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES (O.B.E.) 1978 edition, p. 27

"After awhile there is a deep yearning within to go into the upper regions beyond the clouds..."

NOTE: I am omitting the rest of the quote in order to protect the reader!

1998 edition - omitted


1978 edition, p.170

"We of the New Age can risk going against the tide. Let us with abandon relish the fantasy games of children. Let's see visions and dream dreams."

1998 edition, p.198

"We who follow Christ can risk going against the cultural tide. Let's with abandon relish the fantasy games of children. Let's see visions and dream dreams."

4. Billy Graham

In Billy Graham's special edition of "The Message: New Testament", we find:

"This Billy Graham Evangelistic Association special edition, with explanations by Billy Graham, is published with permission from the NavPress Publishing Group."

Note: This version was offered free by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and contains occasional one page topics written by Billy Graham interspersed throughout the book. This obviously would quality as a BIG ENDORSEMENT by Billy Graham.

Note: Billy Graham also endorsed Peterson's "The Message: Proverbs" on its back cover.

5. Madeleine L'Engle

"'The Message' is so good it leaves me breathless. Eugene Peterson has done for the U.S. and the late 20th century what J.B. Phillips did for Great Britain and the middle of the century - and even more!"

"She is author-in-residence and assistant librarian at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, where she also serves as lay preacher." (Smith, p. xi)

"L'Engle herself uses twentieth century mystics to help her in meditation and contemplation." (Smith, P.16)

In her endorsement of Foster's book, L'Engle writes on page 205: "'Celebration of Discipline' won me when it was first published ... Indeed, his offerings to us of the joy of discipline will help us to seek the kingdom of God in a more joyous and less moralistic way..."

Note: She must have overlooked Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS...

a. Atonement

"In forensic terms, the atonement means that Jesus had to die for us in order to atone for all our awful sins, so that God could forgive us. In forensic terms, it means that God cannot forgive us unless Jesus is crucified and by this sacrifice atones for all our wrongdoing. But that is not what the word means...It means exactly what it says, at-one-ment...There is nothing about crime and punishment in the makeup of that that word. It simply means to be at one with God." (Smith, p.174, quoting L'Engle, "Stone for a Pillow", p.22-23)

b. Bible

"These marvelous mysteries could not be understood in the language of literalism, or inerrancy, and all such attempts to restrict the glory are deadly indeed." (Smith, p.162, quoting L'Engle, "The Mythical Bible", television program, "The Chicago Sunday Evening Club," Oct. 1991)

"The Bible is not a moral book. It is not an ethical book. It is a magnificent story book. It doesn't give any answers, it just tells more stories." Smith, p. 161, quoting L'Engle, interview in "The Door", December 1986, p.25)

c. God

"If we accept that God is within each of us, then God will give us ... the courage to accept the responsibility of being co-creators." (Smith, p.42, quoting L'Engle, 'And It Was Good', p.19)

"From her feminist perch, she takes aim at the male gender of God, calling Him 'the paternalistic male chauvinist pig Old Testament God'." (Smith, p. ix, quoting L'Engle, 'The Irrational Season', p.159)

d. Judgment

"The judgment of God is the judgment of love, not of power plays or vindication or hate." (Smith, p.176, quoting L'Engle, "Stone for a Pillow," p.117)

e. Salvation

"I know a number of highly sensitive and intelligent people in my own community Who consider as a heresy my faith that...(God) will not rest until all of creation, including Satan, is reconciled to him, until there is no creature who cannot return his look of love with a joyful response of love." (Smith, pp.175-6, quoting L'Engle, 'The Irrational Season, p. 97)

f. Second Coming

"The Second Coming is the redemption of the entire cosmos, not just one small planet ... All will be redeemed in God's fulness of time, all, not just the small portion of the population who have been given the grace to know and accept Christ." (Smith, p.176, quoting L'Engle, "Stone for a Pillow," p.117)

g. Sin, morality

"In spite of what she says to the contrary, Madeleine L'Engle's writings do contain, promote, and teach a whole gamut of New Age topics, philosophies, and techniques, including, but limited to: magic, divination, spirit guides, crystal balls, mediums, fortune telling, spells, monism, pantheism, nature worship, Zen meditation, lesbianism, graphic fornication, cosmic consciousness, druids, human sacrifice, demons, dragons, runes,...astral travel and on and on. These are all elements of the occult, which she has put in a box and marked 'for Children'." (Smith, p.40)

"Moralism belongs to the old law and old covenant. Jesus Christ ... overturned the laws of moralism." (Smith, p.169, quoting L'Engle, "The Irrational Season", p. 102)

6. J.1. Packer

"In this crowded world of Bible versions, Eugene Peterson's blend of accurate scholarship and vivid idiom make this rendering both distinctive and distinguished. 'The Message' catches the logical flow, personal energy, and imaginative overtones of the original very well."

Note: Packer is also on the Board of Reference for Richard Foster's Renovare - see above.

7. Luci Shaw

"In 'The Message' the ideas of the New Testament writers seem to take on flesh and blood, personality, and three-dimensional authenticity."

Note: The New Testament contains God's ideas, not man's ideas.

Concerning Madeleine L'Engle's book: "In the forward of 'And It Was Good', Luci Shaw, a former member of the English staff at Wheaton College, writes: '...As we worked together through the intricacies of the manuscripts of 'And It Was Good', time and time again, I literally caught my breath at some of Madeleine's outrageous statements ... protesting the radical nature of her declarations ... But reading further ... I would grasp the holy logic of her conclusions and find myself acknowledging, 'You not only can say that, you should!" (Smith, p.41)

Note: Luci Shaw is a "Stylistic Consultant" for Peterson's "The Message: Proverbs", and she also endorses Richard Foster's book, "Celebration of Discipline" on page 207. What a small world!

8. Prince Michael Stewart

"...the President of the International Parliament .... endorsed by the United Nations, ratified my legal rights as Head of the Royal House of Stewart and Head of the Celtic Church of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba, Under International Law, my titles were verified on 4 November 1985 as being Prince and Lord of Scotland .... Prince of ... Jerusalem, ... and legal Pretender to the Throne of Britain." (HRH Prince Michael, p.305-6)

"My position at the Head of the Celtic Church was fully ratified in 1985 following the death of my grandfather, Julius Joseph James, in Brussels .... At this, I became 57th Archpriest and Temporal Head of Scotland's ancient Druidic-Christian Church of the Culdees." (HRH Prince Michael, p.308)