An Open Letter to the Upstate South Carolina Pagan Community

There is a discussion going on at the moment which I truly hope makes a difference. It began with why is there not a strong cohesive pagan community. It then went to 'Where have all the Elders gone?" and has now become a planning session for a gathering.

The gathering idea, a repeat of last year's One Day for Peace is an excellent idea, but a gathering, or a thousand gatherings, will not fix what is wrong with this community. If, as has been in the past, it will only help to further delineate the lines of separation. Those that are accepted will be the ones organizing and welcomed. This pagan community is not very different from still being in High School. There are the ‘In’ groups and then there are the ‘Outsiders’. If the maturity level of the individuals that make up the community has not grown, no matter the number of birthdays, then how will it ever be possible for this to be more than it is?

Egos have also been mentioned in this discussion. It is sad that this has had to even be a part of the discussion. Elders are to be past the need to list their ‘titles’…the Gods leave it to others…take the hint. Blowing your own horn is never a pretty sight. It matters not what ‘degrees’ you have obtained from this and that group. What knowledge have you obtained? With knowledge comes wisdom, with wisdom, ego is lost. The truly great and memorable teachers have been humble. They have shown courage by walking amongst the people, teaching, without regard for popular opinion. They have demonstrated the truth of the teachings, not by enslaving their students in dependency, but by empowering them to go out and continue the teachings. They have not coveted knowledge, but freely shared with those will to learn.

I am not saying that one can lay open all knowledge, at once, for that would violate the command of Silence, but by being willing to share, both ways, teacher to student, student to teacher, does a true Elder come forth. Are the Old Ways so out dated that we leave them behind? Eldership comes after much hard work, over many years and tests. The Elders have always been the ones with experience, now it seems they are the ones with the most charisma and flash. Have the Romanized Christian ways so jaded modern man? Have you been so trained from your Christian background that you are still willing to just have crumbs of knowledge fed to you? Do you not have the flame of hunger for the truth burning within you so you will not believe everything told you?

Pettiness and laziness are the terminal cancers afflicting this community. Do you really believe that candy-coating and fluffing everything is the true way of the God and Goddess? Don’t turn your head or close your eyes to that which you do not understand. The truth is there, it always has been, and always will be regardless of the manipulated form that some will try to present it to you. Was this not why you left the Christian faith?

Break loose of the chains of apathy and stand in the light of knowledge! If what you seek is a spiritual path, claim it. Longing for fellowship/companionship in a ‘social club’ is human nature, but these groups cannot fulfill the spiritual need. Do YOU connect with the Divine or do you connect with the ‘larger-than-life’ image of that group’s Elder? I have seen several learned teachers leave this community for being tired of being a scape-goat. The community has lost; not them. They still live, they still teach, but not here. There are many here that do not associate with the community, and those who only associate on the fringe. There are esoteric, metaphysical and occult orders here that many of you will never know that you have met a member of. And they will not attend your events, as you may never be invited to theirs. This is not ego on their part. It is not wanting to dilute their religion with those who have not demonstrated the maturity needed for the knowledge of their orders. There is much more than love spells and binding spells, etc. Standing in circle and making an energy ball does not make you enlightened.

It has also been said that you cannot live a magickal life 24/7. Why not? Many of us do. That is part of being an Elder. You are the example to all, 24/7. Until you realize this, many doors of wisdom will remain closed to you, regardless of how many teachers, traditions, degrees, and books.

I am not well liked, if fact, I think, I am perhaps hated by some in this community. That is their problem, not mine. I am not here to win contests or be liked. I am here to do what the Deities have designed, to make the universal truth available to those who would see. This is not ego talking; I will not tell any they are on the wrong path; that your deity does not fit in with the Sanctuary. I do not know everything, and I have forgotten much in 48 years of study, but my heart, as your heart, will always recognize the truth.

This letter will further inflame those who see themselves in it. Perhaps that fire of anger, resentment, and even hate, will help burn away the mists that cloud their eyes, hearts and minds. Ever the eternal optimist, I still have hope for this community, someday it will grow up and be the beautiful creation that the Gods and Goddesses await.

In Truth…
Dj Gainey

Post Script: Over the years there have been many stories , lies, rumors and innuendos concerning me personally or the Sanctuary. This is just plain and simple gossip, which laways turns ugly, and those who spread it. To those who are responsible or have helped spread them, remember, not everyone runs to tell all they they have heard...would you want me to tell what I know? Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones...

So if you are one of the ones who love to talk about me and occasionally get the courage to anonymously email me, here's the link - Email
Of course it would be nice if you had the courage to use your real ID...what would it hurt since I probably don't know you anyway?

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