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More Publications from the Sanctuary

$15.00 + S & H
A 174 page alphabetical listing of Angels from the world over. Also included is:
The Angel Wardens of the 7 Celestial Heavenly Halls (Hechaloth)~ Angel Rulers of the Seven Heavens~ Angelic Governors of the 7 Planets~ The Angelic Governors of the Zodiac~ The Angels of Punishment~ The Archangels of Punishment~ The Governing Angels of the Months of the Year~ Angel Sigils & Seals~ Archangels and Angels of the Days of the Week~ Chief Angel Princes of the Chora~ God Shemhamphorae~ Governing Angels of the Seasons~ The Great Archons~ The Grigori~ The Healing Angels~ The Holy Sefiroth~ Mansions of the Moon~ The Names of Metatron~ The Rays of the Archangels~ The Sarim~ The Seven Archangels~ The Throne Angels~ The Tree of Life~ The Sephiroth (The Spirit)~ The Zodiac Angels~ The 70 Amulet Angels Invoked at Childbirth~ The Orders of the Celestial Hierarchy~ The Ruling Princes of the Nine Celestial Orders~ Spirits, Messengers, Intelligences of the Planets

$21.00 + S & H
  The Chronicles of Cathbodua Herbal
Given how many herbs there are on the planet, this may become one of your larger undertakings. Many hours have been invested going from one place to another looking for information on an herb, plant or tree with the goal of being able to put this compilation of information together, here, for you. I have started with instructions to make actual herbal items, followed by herbs and plants with their uses, and reference charts for the plants. 268 pages.

$12.00 + S & H

Spirits and

There are thousands and thousands and thousands of demons, and some demons seem more like angels. And some angels like demons. There are some listed as demons that will also be listed as angels. There is also a crossover of a sort between angels, demons and gods. They are listed in alphabetical order with various spellings cite. Also included is:
Demon Sigils~ The Unholy Sefiroth~ The Watchers~ The Names of Lilith~ The Fallen Angels~ The Yezidic Archangels~ The Demonic Hierarchies~ Offices

Also to be available soon:
The Book of Alchemy
The Book of Symbols Vol. 1
The Book of Astrology
The Book of Correspondences
The Book of Divination
The Book of Philosophy
To order any of these books please send an email and include the title in the subject line. You will receive an email with total cost and payment options. Thank you for helping support the Sanctuary.

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