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The Lion's Gate

..............................I. Mission Statement

The Purpose of the Lion’s Gate is to promote a healthy environment for the growth of nature-based religion(s), through education, fellowship, and responsible lifestyle.

To assist associated pagan groups in performing their events or activities if asked and we are able to do so, and to work on helping the community at large through charity and service.

II. Requirements for Membership

Members must meet the following requirements:
a. Must be able to read and write.

b. Must be 18 yrs. or older, or have permission form filled out by custodial guardian.

c. Cannot currently be the target of a criminal investigation or probe.

d. Cannot have committed a violent crime within the past 3 months.
Upon request the applicant will receive the needed forms to request membership, to be turned in with a non-refundable application fee of $5.00. The applicant will then be contacted within 7 days, and a time for their Induction arranged.

III. Responsibilities of Members
a. Members understand and agree that this handbook is subject to change and amending at anytime, and without their consent. However, the Elders must inform the group and wait 7 days before enforcing any changes to the bylaws, or 5 days if members voted it.

b. Members must pay dues to the group of $35.00 a year or $5.00 a month. When dues are 4 months delinquent, the member will be notified, and at the fifth month will have their membership nullified. After which they must reapply for membership.

c. Members must attend a minimum of two of the High Day gatherings each year, or they may have their membership reviewed by the Gate Elders.

d. Members are expected to vote at each High Day.

e. Members are to volunteer a minimum of 9 hours of time a month or 120 hours per year. The time served by members is cumulative and will factor into decisions regarding promotion, privileges, etc.

f. Members must abide by the Lion’s Gate Code of Conduct.

g. Agree not to be found guilty of a felony by a court of law, which may result in immediate membership loss.

IV. Code of Conduct

The following things are violations of the Lion’s Gate Code and may cause disciplinary action or discharge from the group.
a. Bringing any illegal recreational substance to a Gate function, or one where we are present.

b. Violence, fraud, slander, or theft against another Gate member, or their family or guest.

c. Excessive profanity at a ‘Family’ ritual, or abusive language directed at members or their guests.

d. Exposure of Genitalia ( and for ladies nipples too) at an event not labeled ‘Adult’. This includes but not limited to sheer and see-through clothing.

e. Cruelty/torture to animals of Gate members.

f. Open use/display of sexual objects/things of a graphic nature at a ‘Family’ event.

g. Hosting an event through/with the Gate without the proper classifications of ‘Adult’ or ‘Family’.

h. Selling illegal materials of any sort at a Gate function, or where present.

i. Lion’s Gate has a no tolerance policy towards sexual harassment, and racism or racist propaganda.

V. Resolving Differences

In the event that there is a conflict between members, the Clan Head(s) shall determine a solution. Should that not be satisfactory or if the behavior is a violation of the Code of Conduct, then the relevant parties are required to submit a written statement to the Council of Elders. The Elders will then make a decision that will be the final word on the subject. If directed towards an Elder the same process applies but that Elder is omitted from deciding.

VI. Classes of Events

Lion’s Gate has two classifications for events that it is associated with, and/or supports/sponsors.
a. Family- These are events that it is safe to bring all ages of the family to. There’s no graphic violence or sexual content. When such themes are used, they are in a very symbolic context. Since there may be children or the feeble-minded present we ask that attendees follow IV-d at these rituals.

b. Adult- This category entails Sex acts real or simulated, sexually explicit objects or items, extreme speech, anything pertaining to fluids normally inside the body, B&D, S&M, violence, gore, etc. This category also requires you to specify what the nature of the Adult material is. For example, if the ritual is going to involve drinking REAL blood, then people need to know that BEFORE they show up.

VII. Clans

Elected within each Clan is the Clan Head. The Clan Head is responsible for coordinating the members of the Clan, and keeping the Clan informed. The Clan Head is elected once a year on the Summer Solstice. Each Clan has its own area of interest, and as time goes by Sub-Clans will be added. To change your Clan, you must first submit a written request to your Clan Head, or an Elder.
a. Ox Clan- This Clan is mainly concerned with Family events and get-togethers, and fund-raisers such as bake sales, car washes, etc. This clan would also govern things like family counseling and weddings.

b. Lion Clan- This Clan is concerned with the Administrative side of things. Lion Clan makes sure that the contact info and dues are up to date, as well as the legal issues, and public relations are covered. This Clan coordinates the others.

c. Eagle Clan- This Clan deals with the mature issues of life. They govern the Adult events, and deal with things such as marital issues (counseling), and funerals.

d. Keeper Clan- This Clan is focused on the acquisition of research materials as well as making them available to members at large. The education of the Pagan community is their main objective.

VIII. Ritual King

On the Solstices and Equinoxes a Ritual King will be elected and serve until the next king is elected. This position is purely ceremonial and the King’s duties are to mainly hold court at ritual, and play his role in the High day rites. To be elected to this position is to be honored by the members, and as such during his reign he is exempt from dues. Elders may not be elected to this position.

IX. Eldership

Elder Council shall have final say over disputes, and shall make decisions as to the groups goals, and create/eliminate offices. The Council will have final say over budgetary matters in the bylaws. There is to be an odd number of Elders including the Emerald Sanctuary’ Lord High Priest, who may have final veto power in all decisions. Elders are also exempt from dues.

The requirements for Eldership are as follows:
a. A minimum of 4 years running or supervising a pagan group, or 2 years experience as a practicing pagan and 600 hours of service to the Lion’s Gate.

b. Be knowledgeable in at least one system of magic or mysticism.

c. Answer the Elders form E-1

d. Pass the Elders exam

X. Voting

Members are expected to vote at each High Day. If the member is going to be unable to attend, they will need to submit their absentee ballot via e-mail or post. Ballots shall be provided at each High Day for the relevant issues. Each member gets to vote only once per issue. Any member may submit a proposal for a bylaw change or activity motion up to 30 days prior to a given High Day.

For more information contact Lord Rassilon at (864) 335-8565 or 1-800-253-7011 or e-mail.

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