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Kira's page

Somnolenth, Kira's dragon

At sixteen turns of age, Kira worked in the creche at the Weyr, having just transferred there from the Harper Hall.

She was brought up at the Harper Hall, the daughter of Tamira (a music student/holder's daughter)and Kitara (a journeyman harper). Tamira got pregnant during her training, and as her family had already arranged an alliance for her with a prosperous holder, she gave up her baby and returned to her family home to be wed. Kira remained at the Hall and was fostered by Karida.

She has two 'siblings' on her foster mother's side - Lel (male, a turn older than Kira) and Taye (female, the same age as Kira) who are still at the Hall. Her best friend at the Hall is Amaris, who is now a journeyman harper.

Kira is average height, with waist length chocolate coloured straight hair, brown eyes and light brown skin. She's slightly chubby, but physically fit. Her face is round, she smiles and frowns often, it's a very expressive face, which sometimes can betray her thoughts.

She's outgoing when she knows people/places well and is in her comfort zone. Otherwise she's quiet and watchful when there is little that is familiar. She also tends to be quite abrasive if provoked, and doesn't suffer fools gladly. She's extremely organised and functions best in a structured environment - she likes to know the boundaries, though will challenge these if she feels it's needed. She's a quick learner, and is good at transferring the theoretical into the practical. She's innovative and a skillful listener with the ability to soak it up without becoming stressed. She gives people options rather than advice, and maintains confidentiality, thus is often sought out by others as a confidante. She enjoys being outdoors, swimming and games of strategy. She's likeable in general, has a few close friends, however is not tolerated by some and has a few enemies as well.

Kira is well schooled in basic music, can play a variety of instruments tolerably well. She has a basic hold education, but because it was at the Harper Hall, was taught well, with a full well-rounded education.

Three months after arriving at the Weyr, Kira was searched, and Impressed golden Somnolenth. Prior to Impressing, she'd made firm friends with Cyvarel, a fellow candidate, now greenrider of Farsynth, and K'dan, a weyrling bronzerider from the previous clutch.

In the turn since Impression Kira has grown in confidence, and finally found her niche as a queenrider, though not without a lot of difficulty. Kira struggled with her 'goldrider complex' - feelings of unworthiness of being a goldrider - all through the initial year of weyrlinghood, though was never guilty about impressing Somnolenth herself. She hated having her own weyr when the other Zephyr's Delight weyrlings were in the weyrling barracks, and the separate instruction she got from Alea, the Weyrwoman, both areas in which she was treated differently, supporting her complex, and making her feel different and special when she didn't feel she deserved it.

She has gained the support and guidance of Arissa, the junior weyrwoman, though Somnolenth is her largest support, being very 'proper' with a highly developed sense of right and wrong, and her place in the world (though totally without airs or vanity), which helps to align Kira with reality. Somnolenth is not the jealous or proddy sort, and is succint in her interactions, both with Kira and other dragons, as well as being a clear and logical thinker, she's also extremely steadfast.

Kira and K'dan are still 'friends', and their 'he hates me/she hates me' relationship has continued unabated. Somnolenth has taken a dislike to Saith, K'dan's bronze, mostly based on Kira's roiling thoughts of K'dan, as the gold doesn't like (or understand) the mixed feelings K'dan engenders in Kira. She remains smitten with him.

Cyvarel remains her best friend and confidante.

Kira is still on the chubby side, now seventeen and a half turns of age, her hair is now at jaw length, and she very much sees her role as a junior queenrider as totally separate from (and secondary to) her bond with her dragon, however isn't resentful any more.

Kira's stories -some links may not work 'cos I haven't finished yet

Staying Behind and Hiding Away/Getting Found
Kira's history Parts 1 - 3
What's the time Mr Feline?
A turn later
Chance (Fateful) Encounters
A merry dance
Getting it sorted?
Candidates at dinner/Looking for Jessany/A new assignment

Learning, learning
Goldrider training

More than one way to skin a wherry

Kira's Friends
