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Woolwich Historical Society, Woolwich, Maine

The Woolwich Historical Society's 19th Century Rural Life Museum is located at the corner of Route 1 and Nequasset Road in Woolwich, Maine.

Woolwich is a rural community on the east shore of the Kennebee River, opposite the historic city of Bath and approximately 12 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. It is bordered by waterways: the Sasanoa, the Sheepscot and Merry meeting Bay, which is the confluence of five rivers. First settled in 1600's and incorporated in 1759, the town is named for Woolwich, England, which in like manner is situated on a large, navigable river.

Historical Riverfront Community

The Kennebec brought to the territory explorers, settlers, traders and fisherman. Indians from the hinterland used this route for summer visits to the coast, and harried early settlers with attacks. The first settlement was abandoned in 1600. Subsequently, the area was resettled by inhabitants whose courage, perseverance, strength and ingenuity enabled the survival of their town.

"They lived between the dark forest and the Kennebec River that empties into the lonely Atlantic. They did for themselves. They had to. They left after them lilac bushes, stone walls, deeply dug wells, tall elms now dying, old cellar holes, old things in old houses, and the Next Generation." From Carlton Day Reed Sr's Proceedings. (Taken from 1760-1800 town records.)

The Woolwich Historical Society's 19th Century Rural Life Museum affords the visitor an opportunity to step back in time and experience life as it was for earlier generations, while touring an eight room authentic country farmhouse, shed and barn. On display are home furnishings, quilts, garments, household implements and the tools and equipment of local employment: farming, blacksmithing, dairying, brick and pottery making and seafaring.

History and genalogy researchers visiting the museum will be directed to a substantial collection of resources, among them The History of Woolwich, Maine: A Town Remembered, which may be purchased in soft cover. Other items for sale include a beautiful watercolor print by Betsy Bisson, historical maps, note cards, recipe booklet, and postcards. All items require an additional shipping and handling fee. Contact us for more information.

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