Politics is Dead. All that is left of the political sphere is the arena of
cynical manipulation.
All that remains of political theory (right and left) is the justification of
injustice and obscurification.
Not surprisingly most conscious people today totally reject what our society
calls politics.
And worst of all it's boring!
But authentic politics is still a crucial activity. The sane definition of the
term 'Politic' is the theory and practice of power relations.
And as we all know the only acceptable form of power relation is the one we
have with ourselves and our environment. And even this
is a very different concept of 'power' to that promoted by Western Civilization.
Not a domination relation but rather a 'parental' one.
Those that give up on power over themselves, and their lives, become slaves
both to others and their own socially conditioned impulses.
We all have an overidding biological desire to improve the conditions of our
lives, and that over which we gain power becomes the means to
this goal. This is perfectly natural when we empower ourselves within Nature,
manipulating matter to improve our existence, and when we
empower our will over our own psychology, deploying our drives and desires as
we see fit. This is the reality of conscious evolution. But when
we try to exert power over others we transform them into objects, objects that
inevitably become mere means to our own advance. This is true
even when we start with 'good intentions', especially when we want to become
a 'benign authority'. This is why all politicians eventually become
corrupt as soon as they achieve power. It is a simple an unavoidable psychological
fact. Even those that restrict themselves to power over the
means of livelihood of a community, rather than people themselves, inevitably
use this power to their own advantage and the disadvantage of
others. The ultimate form of politics is our self-liberation from external Power
(both as it manifests in our social relations and as it conditions our
own consciousness), and to achieve this we need to achieve individual self-empowerment.
And to achieve individual self-empowerment in the
face of overwealming external Power, and 'the Herd' (an underestimated tyrant),
we need individual solidarity and radical community.
This is our politics.
Radical Community is opposite of Social Collectivism, it is the union of individuals
into a cohesive society that respects (and even demands)
individual difference, maximum self reliance, achievement (according to our
own lights) and self realization. Its social institutions are geared
towards nurturing individuals to be able to be masters of their own destiny.
Unlike Western society today which generates conformism and
non-community, a mass of atomic individuals (all the same, or in limited models)
who endlessly compete in the vain hope of social
improvement for the greatest number - or the 'Communist' / Left Fascist nightmare
of the rule of the herd in a homogenous, 'egalitarian'
collective - Radical Community is a true community of free, social individuals,
cooperating (and competing sometimes) in order to create the
appropriate environment for self actualization and total freedom. Moreover it
is a free society, liberated from every arbitrary authority, dogma,
religion, emotional bond and even morality itself. A society unified only by
'enlightened self interest', respect, empathy and ultimately love (the
motivating forces of every sane ego).
Every community has its economic aspect and the economy of the Radical Community
needs to be one that facilitates both equal opportunity
and self reliance. It thus needs both personal property and equality of wealth
and resources. The exact details would be one for pluralistic
experiment, but it is possible to envision the collective ownership of land,
productive resources and aesthetic items (palaces, fast cars and
other decadent luxuries need not be abolished!) existing alongside usufruct
(temporary use-ownership), and the personal belongings that
engender individuality and relative independence. The economic 'system' may
vary from socialism to the free gift economy.
If this gives us true liberty and fraternity what about equality? The truth
is the only equality worth having is the equality of freedom and power
and of equal access to the means to live. All of which is provided through Radical
Community. We want to become unique not uniform. All other
equalities are secondary and arise from the process of equalization that naturally
emerges from the interaction of self-empowered free agents.
The Cybernetics of Justice. Equality cannot be imposed by authority or the community
it needs to be the product of an interactive community of
individuals. The task of the Radical Community is to create and nurture the
kind of individual that can achieve this and to protect society from
imposed Power. Ultimately this is our individual responsibility within the community
as much as a collective one.
This is what we want, but how can we achieve it and how can we preserve it?
Its achievement is not difficult in principle. The kind of society envisioned
is the natural result of history, it is the form of society that has been
evolving since civilization began. We have moved from the primitive collective
to the atomic individual (the negative 'bourgeois' as the Marxists
call it), and now are beginning to simultaneously spiral back to natural community
and forward (building on our positive 'bourgeois' gains) to
socialized individualism. A dialectical turn. Of course we are not living in
a power vacuum, if we were this evolution (a parallel social and egoic
development) would have culminated centuries ago. We are living in a hierarchical
authoritarian society with a huge gap between rich and
poor. A society geared towards the benefit of the wealthy majority at the expense
of the majority. A situation preserved by a network of
dependency and illusion (and ultimately backed by violence). This situation
will not be removed through evolution, it is a physical block to
evolution, and so must be removed by physical means. Thus mass physical action
will be necessary at some stage to remove the knot. We
should act now to make sure that when this happens it will be as peaceful as
The constraints on evolution are not only physical however. The very social
structures engendered by the current paradigm shape our
consciousness and reduce us to passive cogs in the machine. The most serious
of these mental prisons is the consumerism of modern
commodity capitalism. The activity of the market and the culture of regulated
exchange atomises the consciousness of individuals and reduces
all relations to objective ones. Under the 'free market' we become alienated,
paranoid egos, relating to others as if they were objects to be
manipulated and bought, and seeing Nature only as something to be exploited
for gain. We thus become alienated not only from each other but
also from Nature (including our own true selves). For evolution to move forward
this mindset must be broken, and we must awaken from our
sleep, becoming free agents whose liberated relations do not reproduce the old
patterns of conditioning. Not an easy task with capitalism
gaining more ground and becoming globalised each day. Rapid 'deprogramming'
is required.
What we call 'Revolution' is not the simple change of government, but the removal
of both physical and psychological blockages to Evolution.
Ultimately this Revolution will be a permanent one as resistance to Evolution
will always emerge. In fact Revolution and Evolution are
inseperable, the former being the accelerated and energised form of the latter
that breaks through its barriers. There is only (RE)EVOLUTION.
Our politics are the politics of liberation not the politics of the State, the politics of empowerment not of power games, and the politics of love not of resentment.
We are a community of individuals, but we are not egoists or the herd. We seek freedom, justice and peace for all, we will not be satisfied by anything less!
We are the new Illuminati of the Cult of Life and the Cosmic Jokers of Anarchy.