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Young Survivors of Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer

Too often those of us under 50 who get diagnosed with this disease, hear "you're too young for this!", or "this isn't a young woman's disease". We're here to tell you that this dreadful disease doesn't just affect women over 50, there are far too many of us who are being diagnosed.

I am currently in the process of compiling information for Younger survivors of Ovarian & Endometrial Cancer (women 50 & under). Most information found is geared towards women over 50, and most young women (myself included) can't find any information on how to live with, or after this disease.

There are so many questions & concerns younger women who find themselves battling with, or living after Ovarian &/or Endometrial Cancer may have.

How do you treat pre-menopausal women?

Will hormones be introduced following surgery?

Will chemo make me infertile?

What happens if my body is forced into menopause too early?

What about osteoporosis?

Those are just a tiny list of questions that women may ask following this disease.

Here are a list of websites that may be useful to young people with cancer. (Also please check out my "Essential Links" page for general links)

Vital Options

Fertile Hope

Planet Cancer

Young Survivial Coalition

Ulman Cancer Fund- Young Aduls with Cancer

Cancer Gilda's Club

What I'm attempting to do on this page, is put links to information that may be helpful to women under 50 who are living after a diagnosis of Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer. This will include personal homepages of other survivors, so please email me if you have a homepage that you would like to submit to this page.

To help me with this process please email me

Email me if you:

1. If you have any information you would like to add

2. If you know of any groups already established

3. Would like to help with graphics, setting up the webpage etc.

4. Would like to help in any other way.

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