To God Be the Glory!
Thank you for dropping in....
On January 17th, 2002 I was diagnosed with Ovarian & Endometrial Cancer Synchronous Primaries.
l have doctor reports to document the findings. l have physical scars to document the pain. l even have pictures to document the hair loss. But what l didn’t have was documentation of my emotions. That’s what this has done for me. It gives me, and you a glimpse into my life during this experience. Many times l laughed (who wouldn’t laugh when you’re as clumsy as I am), More often l cried. And then as I began to listen to what God had to teach me in this situation, my pain turned to joy, and laughter, and comfort, and knowledge, and endurance, and peace.
l leaned about God’s love. I learned about the love of true friends. I learned about the comfort of strangers. I learned about the similar experiences of fellow survivors. l learned the true measure of my strength in God.
God knows. l don t. All I can do is trust Him,love Him, and obey Him.
I welcome you to use this website for what it’s here for. To teach you about Cancer, life, and God’s love. It’s just a glimpse because this period of my life will pass. Cancer does not define my life. God & I do.
**New March 2008- This website is a memory of my experiences with cancer and does not get updated. I feel like its a good snapshot of those earlier days, but does not define my life now. I'd rather keep it the way it was rather than changing it in any way. To read up on how I'm doing now, catch me on Facebook, or MySpace. Email me for the links**
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