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My elusive Aphyosemion bivittatum Funge
It's a jungle in there... no wonder the funge are lost!

This approximate 28 gallons or 128 litres tank was setup about a year ago with a 'natural' look in mind.

There is no;
CO2 fertilization, fancy substrate fertilizer or filtration ... just plain Lonestar gravel, lotsa plants and an occasional squirt of diluted land plant fertilizer solution.

It was also planned as a dedicated specie-tank for my killie fish (Aphyosemion bivittatum Funge) with a few White Cloud Mountain minnows as companion.

The Plants;
Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' or Windelov fern.
Boblitis heudolotii, commonly known as African fern
Java fern (Microsorum pteropus)
Java moss (Vesicularia dubyana)
Anubias cultivar sp.
Two different Vallisneria species, one of which I think is the V. spiralis sp.

I had it packed to the brim since it's commonly believed that Bivs are generally shy and need their retreat.


The floaters;
Limnobium laevigatum or Frogbit
Salvinia natans

Bivs are also excellent jumpers and many will aspire to be dried specimens if a 'security blanket' is not provided.

This is the ONLY time I get to see them... when the floating feeder is filled with tubifex worms.

The dominant male is very elusive and only this two young males make their rounds more frequent.

so drab... is this a male??

... and a White Cloud minnow sharing his meal.

This particular fella always hiding... it'll chase others that ventures into his turf but I don't think Bivs are territorial...

created 030217