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The Truth About Witches & Witchcraft

I love this picture!

I'm sure you've heard the old cliché, "for many people, ignorance is bliss." Witchcraft is possibly the most misunderstood custom of all time. Witchcraft is most definitely NOT human or animal sacrifices and devil-worship. It is NOT anti-Christian or anti-religion. Witches do not live in their own little supernatural worlds dealing with demons. The practice of Witchcraft does NOT condone the use of drugs and wild sex orgies (eeww, how gross!), and above all, we are firmly against the misuses of magick with the intent to harm someone. If this is what people think Witchcraft is all about, then they have been sadly misinformed. Now that you know the main components of what Witchcraft is not, let me share with you the truth and reality of what Witchcraft IS and it's history.

'The Magic Circle'

Artistry by J.W. Waterhouse (I'm going to get a print of this someday!)

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