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We all perceive and believe differently, but our humanitarian and spiritual goals are all the same.

~Sunni Spirit

Personally, I don’t believe there is any “one true” religion, not even the practice of Earth Religion. My opinion about organized religion doesn't rank too highly with me these days, for two main reasons:

1) My main reason would have to be because of the judgments, criticisms, dishonesty and hypocrisy displayed, "Christians." Gossiping and back-stabbing each other, is not what I call “praying for them.” And yes, it is easy to get "caught up in the grapevine of gossip," of which I have been guilty of myself, but I really would much prefer to hear positive things said about people rather than their flaws. I’ve spent many years witnessing this presentation toward myself as well as others. I have even observed this behavior between members of the church. On the flip side, there are those "right winged" Christians that are so opinionated in what they believe that they refuse to listen or take the time to understand what others believe and why. It’s either their way or the highway!

2) Who’s rules do I follow??? It is remarkable how many denominations have branched from one book, the Bible. Why is it that there are so many different interpretations of how people view the Bible? Because of this deciphering, each denomination has brought into being their doctrine. Whereas I believe these “rules” are either taken out of context from the Bible, or not technically and/or specifically in the Bible. Out of respect for others and their beliefs, I am not going to mention any of the practices these denominations may follow, but I’m sure you basically understand what I’m saying here. These same people will declare their belief systems, and yet at the same time do not demonstrate, or "witness" rather, to others by their actions by practicing their doctrine. This coveys the message to "non-believers," as a Christian might label one, it is ok to raise hell all week and then on Sunday play Christian and ask for forgiveness...once again.

With all of these confusing choices, parades of judgments and self-righteousness’, it really is no wonder that the growth of the Pagan community is increasing. Are churches not doing their job? Are they fulfilling the needs of the people in their congregation? Does the church community exhibit fellowship and support for one other? I was not receiving what I needed from any of the churches or people of the congregations I have attended, hence leading me to the solitary Pagan path I am on now. I feel that organized religion is just that..."organized" and "religious." Where is the spiritualism?

I know this all sounds a bit harsh, but this is how I have felt about organized religion for quite a few years up to this present moment. Not all Christians are like what I have mentioned above, and I shouldn’t stereotype them as they have stereotyped Pagans to be non-religious. I'm not against visiting a church, nor am I protesting that people go, and I honestly don’t mean to sound as cynical as I have. God has given the gift of communication to those few chosen people who minister very meaningful messages that anyone can benefit from, and I know many Christians who do practice leading a godly life.

O.K. so what do I believe? I believe in the healing power of herbs. I believe practically anything can be accomplished through positive thought and visualization, and the power of prayer (in "any" Witches know what I mean *wink*). I believe in reincarnation, and for the soul to live through all experiences in life in order to completely understand our existence as well as truly feel empathy for others. I do not believe in the devil or hell. Under most circumstances, people produce their own tribulation and create evil, not our Deities. However, I do believe there are malevolent entities that can influence weak-minded people into doing harm to others. From this cause, their soul has not matured to the level of empathy and respect for life thus far.

I believe in God, our Heavenly Father and a Goddess, our Earth Mother. Each of them has different roles and work together as one, the All Mighty, to take care of the universe and us all. It has taken me a long while, because of my background beliefs, to accept the Goddess concept. But, when you think about it, almost everything in this world has duality to it, i.e. up/down, good/bad, night/day, sun/moon, life/death, north/south, and east & west. Virtually all animals are male and female. So, is there such a thing as a dual deity? Maybe/maybe not. Any religion is based upon faith in what people believe to be true. If there is a Goddess, then I’m doubly blessed. In a nutshell, it is your personal choice of how you choose to view your Higher Power.

I do not follow any specific denomination of organized religion or sect of Wiccan or Pagan Traditions. I use a bit of foundation, and teachings I have learned from all religions and customs, and apply my knowledge and practices to whatever works best for a situation. I believe Earth Religion (Pagan/Goddess Religion, Wicca, Witchcraft...what ever you may choose to call it) enhances the spirituality within ourselves we have lost, as well as honoring the Earth and men and women equally (for a change). This is why I like my solitary path. I am able to choose the way I believe and be responsible for my actions. Not the way people think I should believe, and place bad judgment and actions on the "devil-made-me-do-it" cop out. The only "devil" I choose to associate with is my Dirt Devil vacuum and Devils Food cake! (yum)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Blessed be! ~ Sunni Spirit

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