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Welcome to the Enchanted Castle

Welcome to the Enchanted Castle

Behind these castle walls, you will witness images that are real...or, unreal. In other words, if you believe something exist, then it does. If  you do not, then it is imaginary. The question is, "Do mermaids really exist?" "Do dragons really exist?" "How about fairies, unicorns or even angels?"   To believe in the metaphors concealed within the castle is only up to you. Some might say that these figures are only imaginary, some may truly wonder if such creations do or ever have taken form. As you tour through each section of the castle, ponder these thoughts in the depths of you mind; Do I not believe in such creatures because it is the "norm" of the world not to?  Can, do or have these creatures ever existed at one time or another? Just because I have never physically "seen" any of these creatures, is it my place to say that they absolutely do not exist?

By the time you have finished your tour of the Enchanted Castle, I hope I have bestowed upon each of you that there is a fine line between imagination and creation. If you can imagine it, you can create it...even if it is only in the mind of the beholder.