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L’Eglise Eclipsée

(The Church in Eclipse)

by Les Amis de Christ-Roi

(by The Friends of Christ the King)

Editions Delacroix,

1997 Paris



Excerpted from Chapter 1: Toward the Marriage of the Cross and the Triangle



Section 4, p. 81:

The necessity of a Council to set in motion the plan for a world religion


In 1889, the Luciferian, Roca, unveiled the following:


An immolation [a sacrifice] is being prepared, which shall be solemnly carried out. The Papacy shall succumb; it will die under the sacred knife which the fathers of the next Council shall forge. (Glorieux centenair, pp 462 to 469)


     I believe that the divine cult that the liturgy, the ceremonial, the ritual and the precepts of the Roman Church regulates, shall, through an ecumenical Council, undergo a transformation, so that all of it shall be rendered into a venerable simplicity for the golden apostolic age, and so, put it into harmony with the state of the modern conscience and civilization. (Roca: ’Abbé Gabriel et sa fiancée, [“Father Gabriel and his fiancé, quoted by P.  Virion in Mystère d’iniquité, Editions St. Michel 1967, p. 3.


     In fact, Theosophist, then Anthroposophist, Rudolf Steiner, long-time disciple of the Russian Mage, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,[1] wrote in 1910: ‘We need a Council and a Pope to convene it.” (quoted in Msgr. Rudolf Graber, Sant-Atanasio e la Chiesa del nostro tempo, Editions Civiltà, 1974, p. 43) [St. Athanasius and the Church of Our Time].


This is the council which will birth the new church. Alice Bailey, Foundress of the Lucifer Trust, the Theosophical and Satanist organization which lies behind UNESCO, predicted in 1919, the appearance of ‘a Universal Church’ of which ‘the definitive outline will appear toward the end of the century.” (Alice Bailey, Esteriorizzazione della gerarchia, Ediziones Nuova Era, Rome, 1985, p. 476.) [Externalization of the Hierarchy], and which shall keep “the outward appearance amid the mission to strike out at the many vehicles of colloquial ecclesiastical usage.” (Ibid)  Also from Bailey: “There will not be any dissociation between the  Universal Church, the Sacred Lodge of all true Masons and the inner circles of the esoteric societies. (Ibid, p. 478)


She concluded:


In this way, the goals and work of the United Nations shall be solidified and a new Church of God, led by all the religions and by all of the spiritual groups, shall put an end to the great heresy of separateness. (Alice Bailey, Il destino delle Nazioni, Ediziones Nuova Era, Rome, 1988, p. 155)” (quoted by Professor Carlo Alberto Agnoli, op. cit.)


Thus, this Council was planned while waiting to find the person to convene it.



page 82


5.     A Planned Event:  John XXIII, the man who convened the Council


A programmed election


The Masonic bulletin, Les échos du Surnaturel, December 1961-January 1962, published evidence by a well published author:  “Concerning the Council, on August 14, 1954, I wrote to Cardinal Roncalli (longtime Nuncio in Paris with whom I have conferred) to announce to him his future election (to the Papacy) and to ask him to meet with me during his vacation in his native country for the purpose of studying his first project----the Council.


Specifically, I wrote: Would that you would reflect on everything about that, because there will be no time to waiver; once you ascend the Pontifical throne, the plan shall be immediately carried out and so surprise all of the politicos. In this same vein, from 1954, the Freemasons had told Msgr. Roncalli to learn some languages because he would be the next pope elected by then and thus, it was necessary that he be prepared for the papacy.” (B.O.C., p.9, No. 52,Mai 1980)


That same year, 1954, in August, Jean-Gaston Bardet “a noted Freemason of the esoteric Christian persuasion, wrote to Patriarch Roncalli who was then on holiday in his native village of Sotto il Monte:


Not only he did tell (Bardet) that he would be Pope, but (he) also knew the name he would choose when he would be elected. (Hebblethwaite, John XXIII, Pope of the Council, See American publisher).


Bardet came to Venice where he met Roncalli, repeating his predictions to him, and telling him, according to Capovilla (Secretary of John XXIII) that his Pontificate would be marked by “doctrinal innovations and some disciplinary reforms.” (Sodalitium, no. 33, “Le Pape du Concile”, 1954-1958, 10th part, p. 37)


Why was 1954 the year in which Masonry began its plan?


At the end of 1953, Pius XII was very tired and his spiritual affairs were in the hands of Father Bea,[2] his confessor, a very knowledgeable man, but an unbridled ecumenist. As is attested to in the following, it can be clearly said that Pius XII was delivered body and soul from evildoers; this point was made by Carlo Pacelli, his nephew, who wondered if his uncle had been the victim of an attempt to poison him. (Antonio Spinosa: Pie XII, l’ultimo Papa, [“Pius XII, the Last Pope”] Mondadori, Milan, 1992, p. 342.)


But the Lord miraculously protected Pius XII’s body and soul. This respite permitted him to carry out two extremely important acts: the canonization of Pius X, and the distancing of Montini. From January 26 to February 16, 1954, Pius XII was not able to be fed by natural means. In the Fall, he suffered a relapse and his condition became quite desperate.


On December 2, Pius XII told Msgr. Tardini, “I tell you, the others can think that its because of hallucinations caused by illness. Yesterday morning, I clearly heard a voice (very clearly so) who said, ‘A vision is going to appear to you now.’ In fact nothing appeared. This morning, when I attended Mass, for an instant I saw the Lord. It was only for an instant, but I did see…” (Chélini: L’Eglise sous Pie XII, [“The Church Under Pius XII”] Editions Fayard, 1989, Vol. II, pp. 513, 514)


Pius XII thought that the Lord had come to take him, in answer to his prayer: “In hora mortis meae, voca me” (“At the hour of my death, call m.”) (Prayer: Anima Christi, found at the beginning of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius). Jesus cured him, giving the Church four more years of respite. (Sodalitium, no. 33: “Le Pape du Concile” Part 10, 1954-1958, p.37.)


Pius XII then wrote his letter of August 13, 1954, in which he said:


In the world today, full of snares and perils, there are many who boldly struggle to spread error among the faithful. An audacious propaganda campaign, either openly or surreptitiously, insinuates itself among the Catholics, with the goal of estranging their fidelity which is due to Christ and the true Church, and at the same time, to cut out the faith from their souls. Unfortunately, for as many as there are who courageously defend their beliefs, there are many who abandon them


Roncalli was quite detached regarding the Pope’s illness, and had prophesied his death four years in advance. ….He wrote that the Pope


…often seems at death’s door, and pulls back and then relapses. I have little confidence that the Holy Father will be successfully cured, despite all the doctors, medicine and care. His life is a miracle, but miracles, as you know, only last a little while. (Hebblethwaite, op. cit. p. 281)


Msgr. Roncalli would thus await his Conclave at the end of 1958.[3]


Let us pause a few moments here to treat a key person: Dom Lambert Beauduin. He was a Belgian monk, who on the eve of the First World War, at a time when the humanist movement within the Catholic Church was more and more rearing its head, actively worked to advance the Masonic plan for a “future” liturgical reform through the “creation” of a “new mass”, a synthesis of modernist heresy. He was also one of the “prophets” of the ecumenism that triumphed at the Council.


The wild initiatives of Dom Lambert Beauduin resulted in offending Pius XI, who, in 1928, reacted by condemning his theses in the encyclical, Mortalium Animo.  Afterward, Beauduin worked in secret, from the shadows.  In 1924, he struck up a friendship with Msgr. Roncalli.


How did this friendship come about? One cannot ignore that Roncalli was given back his teaching Chair at the Atheneum of the Lateran through his “modernist” promoters.


The two men were fast friends, and at the news of Pius XII’s death, the following was written:


…the aged Dom Lambert Beauduin, 85 years old, told [this writer]: “If they elect Roncalli, everything will be salvaged: he will be able to convene a Council and to install Ecumenism.” He fell silent again, and then the old malice resurfaced, when he frankly said: “I am sure we will have our chance: the Cardinals for the most part, don’t know what they are doing. They are capable of voting for him.” (Louis Bouyer, “Dom Lambert Beauduin, un homme d’église, [“Dom Lambert Beauduin, Man of the Church], 1964, pp. 180, 181)


In 1977, Franco Bellegrandi, ex-Chamberlain of the Cape and the Sword of His Holiness and contributor to L’Osservatore Romano, wrote a book titled, NikitaRoncalli, which was published in 1994, accompanied by quite a commotion in the national press at its release because, among the persons present was Cardinal Silvio Oddi.


In this book, he told what he had seen and heard at the Vatican. It was in September 1958, just before the Conclave, the author was privy to some confidential information: 


I was in a car with a person whom I knew to be a highly placed Mason who was in contact with the Vatican. He said to me: “The next Pope will not be Siri, as the gossip has it in certain Roman circles, because he is too authoritarian a cardinal. A conciliating Pope will be elected. He has already been chosen, and is the Patriarch of Venice, Roncalli,” To this I replied: “Are there Masons in the Conclave?” “Certainly,” he said. “The Church is in our hands.” After a brief silence, my interlocutor said, “No one can say where the leader can be found. The leader is hidden.”


The following day, Count Stella (of a well known Italian family---ED) wrote in an official document, which today is in a notary’s safety deposit box, the first and last name of this person as well as his stupefying declaration, compete with the month, year, day, and time of day.” (Nichitaroncalli [NikitaRoncalli], Ediziones Eiles, Rome, p. 62)


On the eve of the Conclave which elected Msgr. Roncalli, Roncalli didn’t cross his fingers, as he was already almost certain of his victory. On Friday, October 24, on the eve of the closing of the Conclave, he summoned none other than Giulio Andreotti, the Italian politico who was identified by the widow Calvi as the true head of P2 Lodge, to tell him in diplomatic language, of his forthcoming election. (Ibid, p.395) (Professor Carlo Alberto Agnoli, op. cit.)


When Roncalli spoke with Andreotti, the Patriarch clearly told him that he knew from the first morning of the Conclave, a few hours before the Cardinal went from the Domus Mariae to the Vatican, that he would be the new Pope. Said Andreotti: “That evening, Msgr. Capovilla telephoned me that the Patriarch wanted to see me.”

The Italian politico then told of his longtime relations with Roncallli and Roncalli’s friendship with the modernist, Buonaiuti. Then he returned to his conversation with the Patriarch, who wanted to talk about the Conclave: “It is true that we always say: not I, not I. But the arrows of the Holy Spirit must fall on someone…I received a message of congratulations from General DeGaulle, but that doesn’t mean that in fact the French Cardinals will vote this way. I know that they would like to elect Montini and this would certainly be excellent: but it isn’t possible to go outside the tradition which is that the choice be made among the Cardinals…” Here is Andreotti’s commentary: “I listened stupefied and embarrassed. I thus knew that Roncalli was sure of being elected by the Conclave.” (Giulio Andreotti, A ogni morte di Papa. I papi che ho conosciuto, Biblioteca-universale Rizzoli, 1982, pp. 65-66) (Sodalitium, no. 33, “Le Pape du Concile, [“The Pope of the Council”, 1954-1958, p. 39.)


Before his talk with Andreotti, Msgr. Roncalli had written two letters, one to the Bishop of Bergamo, Msgr. Piazzi, dated October 23, and the other to the Bishop of Faenza, Giuseppe Battaglia, dated the 24th of the same month.


In the first he announced the “new Pentecost” which would come “with the renewal of the head.” It added, “It is of little importance that the new pope be or not be originally from Bergamo (as was he---Ed). You follow me, Your Excellency.” (P. Hebblethwaite, op. cit. p. 308)


As to the letter to the Bishop of Faenza, its specific object was to expressly forbid his nephew, Don Battista Roncalli, incardinated in that diocese, to come to Rome at this time! This would give the disagreeable impression of nepotism! But after the election, “When you learn that I succumbed to the arrows of the Holy Spirit, imposed by the consensus of all those meeting here…’ the nephew could come to Rome…Congratulations Uncle. For the moment, Roncalli recommended: “Naturally, not a word of any of this to anyone.” (P. Hebbletheaite, op. cit. p. 308) 


This plan was also revealed in a letter by Cardinal Tisserant, March 12, 1970, in which he made a pointed allusion to the “planned” election of John XXIII:


The election of the current Sovereign Pontiff was done quickly. It is the election of Jean XXIII, that was discussed at numerous meetings. I do not know of any information on the process was able to be given by anyone after the conclave. Secrecy was imposed even more strictly than ever.  It is completely ridiculous to say that any cardinal would have been elected. You understand that I can say no more. My best regards….(Photocopy of the letter published Franco Bellegrandi’s book, op. cit. p. 30)


In another letter, Cardinal Tisserant told a priest teaching canon law that the election of John XXIII was illegitimate because it was willed and planed for by forces alien to the Holy Spirit. (“Vita” 18 September, 1977, p.4: “Le profezie sui papi nell’elenco di San Malachia”)-[“Prophecies on the popes by Saint Malachy”] These letters confirm that the election of John XXIII really was “programmed.”


The image emerging from this affair is certainly not one of a simple man, or rather simple as Cardinal Heenan judged him, but rather of a person completely involved in constructing his own pedestal. [Could also be figurative: building up a myth of himself.]




[1] Madame Blavatsky was one of the first women to attain the 33rd degree in mixed masonry. She was also the foundress of Theosophy and one of the greatest authorities of the esoteric and occult world. (Serge Hutin, La Massoneria, Mondadori, 1961, p. 147)

[2] That Msgr. Bugnini, Freemason and architect of the liturgical reform, had free access to Pius XII when he was ill, was because Bea gave it to him. . (Sodalitium, No. 11, p. 11; and Annibale Bugnini, La Riforma Liturgica, (1948-1975) CLV Ediziones Liturgiche, 1983, p. 22)

[3] We turn the reader’s attention to a fact at once innocuous and extremely serious: It is precisely in 1958 that the ritual of the “new mass” was tried out at Taizé. Thus, many Catholics do not know that the “new mass´ of the new “conciliar church” is the Taizé ritual that is quite close to the Lutheran ritual. Father Malachi Martin had the honesty to remark that this “new Mass” was created by Protestants, (See pp. 23-24) at the direction of a Freemason chosen by the initiate Roncalli! We are far from the Catholic Holy Mass.